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possession of character by slander, and any sort of misrepresentation, is no less a thief, and one of the most guilty kind.
Civilization has ever developed the physical and the intellectual at the cost of psychic and spiritual. The command over and the guidance of one’s own psychic nature, which foolish men now associate with the supernatural, were the early humanity innate and congenital, and came to man as naturally as walking and thinking.
The Self of Matter and the Self of Spirit can never meet. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both.
The universe is the combination of a thousand elements, and yet the expression of a single spirit-a chaos to the senses, a cosmos to the reason.
Try with consistent attempts to conquer the prominent weaknesses of your nature by developing thought in the direction that will kill each particular passion.
The Secret Doctrine teaches the progressive development of everything, worlds as well as atoms- and this stupendous development has neither conceivable beginning nor imaginable end. Our ‘Universe’ is only one of an infinite number of Universes, all of them ‘Sons of Necessity’, because links in the great Cosmic chain of Universes, each one standing in the relation of an effect as regards its predecessor, and being a cause as regards its successor.
True faith is the embodiment of divine charity; those who minister at its altars, are but human. As we turn the bloodstained pages of ecclesiastical history, we find that, whoever may have been the hero, and whatever costumes the actors may have worn, the plot of the tragedy has ever been the same. But the Eternal Night was in and behind all, and we pass from what we see to that which is invisible to the eye of sense. Our fervent wish has been to show

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