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into a vortex, the potencies resident in the astral light to supplement his own natural store.
We (i.e., our personalities) become immortal by the mere fact of our thinking moral nature being grafted on our Divine Triune Monad. Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the three in one and one in three (aspects). For the Monad manifested on earth by the incarnating Ego is that which is called the Tree of Life Eternal that can only be approached by eating the fruit of knowledge, the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or of gnosis, Divine Wisdom.
Meditation, abstinence in all, the observation of moral duties, gentle thoughts, good deeds and kind words, as goodwill to all and entire oblivion of Self, are the most efficacious means of obtaining knowledge and preparing for the reception of higher wisdom.
Genesis…an eastern work…is in full agreement, when understood, with the universal cosmogony and evolution of life as given in the Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages. The last word of science is far from being uttered yet…. Esoteric philosophy teaches that man was the first living being to appear on earth, all the animal world coming after him.
A high development of the intellectual faculties does not imply spiritual and true life. The presence in one of a highly developed human intellectual soul… is quite compatible with the absence of Buddhi, or the spiritual soul. Unless the former evolves from, and develops under, the beneficent and vivifying rays of the latter, it will remain for ever but a direct progeny of the terrestrial, lower principles, sterile in spiritual perceptions; a magnificent, luxurious sepulchre, full of the dry bones of decaying matter within.
If out of the material portion of the ether, by virtue of the inherent restlessness of its particles, the forms

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