Question by WiccanOne: Help finding a Pagan temple.
Hello my name is Lauren, im a newly Pagan. I would like to know where a paganist temple in Breman, Georiga
thank you for your help and hope for some positive replys.
Best answer:
Answer by ?d? so??? ?nlqblue chaos jpa
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You can find groups through witchvox. This is the link to the Georgia page. Depending on how rural Breman is, you may have trouble finding groups in your area. Additionally, meetup’s website can link you to groups near you.
Modern Pagans don’t actually use temples, like they did in ancient times. My research found the Coven Tree Church in Breman.
Here are a couple of websites with information for your area.
And, welcome to the path.
Many of us would like to have temples built, but at the
moment we are just getting started and there are very
Depending on your path (which deity you worship) there
may not be anyone else in your area. In that case I
recommend that you join a cyber-temple, and take
advantage of the online friendships and training classes
they usually offer.
Good luck,
Here is the best Pagan temple out there…. Go to a wooded area, with nobody around, and there you are. Experience the gods of nature in nature.