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Question Two: Do Hindus believe in reincarnation? A: Yes, we believe the soul is immortal and takes birth time and time again. Through this process, we have experiences, learn lessons and evolve spiritually. Finally we graduate from physical birth. Longer answer: Carnate means “of flesh,” and reincarnate means to “reenter the flesh.” Yes, Hindus believe in reincarnation. To us, it explains the natural way the soul evolves from immaturity to spiritual illumination. Life and death are realities for all of us. Hinduism believes that the soul is immortal, that it never dies, but inhabits one body after another on the Earth during its evolutionary journey. Like the caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly, physical death is a most natural transition for the soul, which survives and, guided by karma, continues its long pilgrimage until it is one with God. I myself have had many lives before this one and expect to have more. Finally, when I have it all worked out and all the lessons have been learned, I will attain enlightenment and moksha, liberation. This means I will still exist, but will no longer be pulled back to be born in a physical body. Even modern science is discovering reincarnation. There have been many cases of individuals” remembering their past lives. These have been researched by scientists, psychiatrists and parapsychologists during the past decades and documented in good books and videos. Young children speak of vivid past-life memories, which fade as

Here are some websites that you can check out to find what Wiccans and Neo-Pagans Believe. Make sure you look through them and come back with some REAL knowledge, instead of what some of your religious leaders teach you. http Obviously these are just sites to start you off, and you can go on from there!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

21 Responses to Hinduism – Belief in Reincarnation??????

  • sameerk88 says:


    so if my soul is reincarnated, why dont i remember what happened in my previous life????

    Everyone is accountable for theirselves in front of god’s eyes.

    Everyone has their own unique soul.

    God is not cheap,,, he can create as many new individual souls as he wants.

    u get it????

  • OilCrash says:

    Watch out for a new doc called Secret and Sacred …. trailer on youtube already.

  • Playitalready says:

    but because the eternal, personal bliss is missing, there is a chance the soul can fall back and start over in the material world from the bottm as perhaps a microbe, so its not recomended. buddhism does teach of the wheel of karma. everything is karma, action and reaction, pluses and minuses.

  • Playitalready says:

    memories are temporary also, so nothing physical is absolute. The ultimate goal in life is not an impersonal cosmic force but devotion to God for this spiritual position, which brings the same eternal kingdom with God. Buddhism may preach an impersonal discipline of knowledge and peace to reach an impersonal, eternal result of that.Hinduism, the religion it branched from confirms this was necessary for the given situation of the people. Hinduism confirms the impersonal aspect of reality.

  • moonshei says:

    very truth and great explanation to whom who did not know nothing about hindu.jai hind

  • whyareyousooofat says:

    thank u i learned a lot :]

  • fhapestilence says:

    Thanks for sharing, good video.

  • RTypeMuseum says:

    I am a buddhist. Not a hindu and according to Buddha there is no athman and there is no karma too. Once we die… we die and becomes nothing. So there is no reincarnation. Buddha says that the only thing which we left behind is our knowledge on earth and in the memories of people who remembered us when we died.

  • Reido2828 says:

    That is truly beautiful I loved that but on the terms of awareness for this energy/soul do we have awareness? We came here after billions of years of stuff happening so why would we still be around after we die? Can you prove this?

  • ommozy says:

    unite Hindus!

  • pfan2064 says:

    that was a very good explanation…..thanks.

  • haridham says:


  • BhanumyL says:

    As Einstein expl, matter is neither created nor destroyed

  • guglemania says:

    love it!
    pl post more videos like this…..

  • onemuslimvoice says:

    interesting 🙂

  • 314159265352 says:

    Excellent video. Thanks for uploading.

  • brainlaundry says:

    The soul is, called Athman = Shakti= enrgy.
    As energy can nighter be created nor destroyed so too the Athman (soul) cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred from matter to matter.( this transfer of energy from one matter to another is what we call rebirth).
    This is the Vigyana. Sri-Krishna in B.G.says Vedas can be understood only when one is equipped with Gyana and Vigyana “Gyana- Vigyana,sahitham”.

  • sanjay4india says:

    A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!! 🙂

  • reyvisigodo says:

    If the Hebrew god is truly a god he is omnipresent, omnipotent & omniscient, how come he says he has to transport himself from heaven to Sodom in order to verify rumors about its sinfulness? Not so omniscient, huh? Genesis 18:20 & the LORD said, “Because the cry of Sodom & Gomorrah is grea &, because their sin is very grievous; 18:21 I will go down now & see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me & if not, I will know.”

  • sasunaru4everXyaoi says:


    no one cares! If we don’t believe in it, do you think we’ll listen? I know that’s somewhat rude, but it’s like me telling you to read a book on why Christianity is a load of shit.

  • Apologist325 says:

    The author, Craig Hawkins has done extensive research on the Occult, Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, Neo-Paganism and Satanism. And you won’t be able to refute anything in the books. I’m prepared to defend the biblical position on these topics.

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