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Brought to you by The Human Condition Forum: This video examines the various agendas that are CURRENTLY being pushed through Hip Hop and the direction they are moving us in. This work is a mixture of conversations from Alan Watt, Tupac Shakur & “Gwapo’s” weekly Radio Show Gwapo’s Radio Show: Alan’s Website:

25 Responses to Hip Hop & Freemasonry: The New Age & Military Agenda – 3/3

  • 1988spears says:


  • NotForSale2NWO says:

    Who is Alan Watt Interview in this video????

  • sgelsey says:

    You all are taking lyrics from different songs out of their context to support your argument…

  • thegoods420 says:

    @stuckie401 thats nit a belief thats thought

  • Wutwut1n1 says:

    what is that nas song with numero uno

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    ILLUMINATTI >The clay, ( fallen angels) DANIEL 2:42, 43, will be crushed like clay as if the fragile scull of a serpent, crushed by the heel of mankind, (GENESIS 3:15) We (Human kind) will fatally ‘bruise him in the head” yet we will be “bruised in heel ” We, (the iron) are the ones true to our GOD. Humans will end up eternal! … “Iron sharpens iron”, we encourage, strengthen, and endure forever, long after Satan is vanquished along with his fallen demons and followers of spiritism.

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    No other conspiracy is deeper and harder to penetrate, for example if demon republicans are secretly with demon democrats, and demons at fox news are secretly closer in tune and working with demons at msnbc, and demons by mj’s side were secret SATANS, SLANDERERS, THE GREAT Deceivers and have been working the earth from all sides and angles, playing black against white, communist against free market, church against church

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    This secret society of demons and witches in sheep’s clothing, transcends every human connection, because there mode of communication is low frequencies and backlashed music and signals to identify each other in crowds and secretly meet. they are the secret society that jfk spoke of. These secrets marilyn monroe threatened to reveal, and is why her doctor, her demon physical trainer, and her demon housekeeper conspired and killed her, along with the demon elements in charge of the white house.

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    Illuminatti, have pierced Christ, orchestrated the death of countless leaders and icons that they deem a threat to their goal. these include JFK and marilyn monroe, who learned these secrets, also M.J, Lennon, M.L.King,  even Tupac. These souls could of easily alerted myriads about the goals and truths regarding the secret demonic society (ILLUMINATTI).

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    The prophecy will finally be fulfilled. A Stomp on the head of Satan! and, although we may limp for a time from a sore heel, WE WILL RECOVER! But the serpent, SATAN, will be crushed in the head, an eternal and fatal blow. but for now these demons reincarnate, they have helped build the pyramids and are the mayans.

  • eternalblackproject1 says:

    Theses Demonic forces will soon demolish America in leu of a “NEW WORLD ORDER”in which they believe they can then exterminate humankind and force ALMIGHTY GOD into breaking his promise from Eden, “Never to destroy the earth and every thing upon it” when he established the rainbow. Illuminatti is another term for reincarnated demons, (THE CLAY) the ones destined to be dashed to pieces as if a mere clay vessel, the clay in the feet of the image of Daniel.

  • TheRagefc says:

    fuk man only if tupac was alive

  • TheRagefc says:

    i would follow tupac to get my freedom from all this bullshit the media gives us

  • rhapsodists1 says:


  • licoricerain says:

    @stuckie401 why don’t you watch the other 4 dozen or so series about it then you tell me.

  • licoricerain says:

    @mleonsmith dozens of underground hip hop artists rap about the music industry and nwo and illuminati. odb spoke out on it. krs-one. immortal technique. az. killah priest. the list goes on and on and on. dave chapelle. shyne po.

  • stuckie401 says:

    @licoricerain There is a video called 25/5=14. What he basically does is twist the basics of math and comes up with his own answer. In this case, 14. The other man is trying to tell him that he is wrong, but he can’t reason with him. He believes he is right in saying 25/5=14, and uses the wrong mathematics formulas to make himself right. But does 25/5 really equal 14?

  • SlumUtopia says:

    @stuckie401 Kind of a no-brainer. I lose my keys, I’m bound to find them… if I look.

  • OutSpokenGamer says:

    Of course you would have to look for something that is hidden.. Because its hidden!! A bunch of idiots! Commenting here..

  • mleonsmith says:

    BTW, What are U some 15 yr old kid playing on your parents computer?
    The absurdity of the claims in this video boggle the mind. All the video presents are people who dont state their identity & dont provide any qualifications that are meaningful.They only say “I am in the industry” or ” i know a guy”. Most of you people deluded by this madness, are so obsessed with the deceit of the powerful, that you are willing to accept extraordinary claims, with no name people in utube vidz.

  • mleonsmith says:

    My arrogance? U are the person thats calling those who disagree with U ignorant. Thats the definition of arrogance. If people want others to believe their claims they should have more evidence than, ” go look at this video on youtube”, because thats about the extent of evidence i’ve heard. including from you.
    Are you saying that i should just believe what some stranger on youtube tells me over my own research & countless examples of paranoid conspiracy theorists from history?

  • mleonsmith says:

    who got pwnd?

  • turkishmade says:

    @mleonsmith its not my info that will make you a martyr its your fucking arrogance and ignorance because you fail to see what everyone is telling you like if you loose your house and have nowhere to go and the government saays come to this shelter and well help you go your stupid you only see what you want

  • shaggyboarder says:

    @mleonsmith pwnd

  • mleonsmith says:

    ” No he didnt but i know” . . . I’m sure you do. With all do respect, if you have information that is so ground breaking to the point that i will be a “MARTYR”, then the last thing you oughta be doing is wasting time on youtube, commenting on such foolish videos. I had not thought about this video for months and then licoricerain began cussing at me in comments. thats the only reason im back commenting on this video.

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