What do you wait for? Life and Death exists? what of afterlife? Now hold your Breath. Discover the preciousness your life. Let go of negative attachment. There is depth; there is breadth, there is Shaman Strings Holding the Breath. ______ This is New Music, a nonwestern style connected to modern classical, spoken word, ancient traditions of India, Native American chanting, and global spirituality? Shaman Strings is here to inspire, uplift, and potentially heal the soul.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Leroy plays his new Columbian flute in a very special style, on a mountaintop overlooking Banos Ecaudor and a volcano. Leroy Sharrock – Australia leroysarotonin@hotmail.com Video – Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) www.indianinthemachine.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5
mochate con esa hierva XD yo tambien quiero ………..
. . .comforting. I’m inspired to find an outdoor place to praise and reflect. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely to watch. thank you