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Question by The Lord is Lara’s Strength: How can an atheist be spiritual when atheism is the disbelief of a higher power?
Isn’t that one of the main ingredients to be spiritual? I am asking an honest question.

Best answer:

Answer by The Lemur v 1.02
I would agree with you.

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44 Responses to How can an atheist be spiritual when atheism is the disbelief of a higher power?

  • crave knowledge says:

    Usually the distinction is between being religious and being spiritual.

    A christian (or believer of any religion) can be religious, but lack a certain spirituality. They can also have both religion and spirituality and be both religious and spiritual.

    An atheist, or someone who doesn’t believe in a higher power, can still be spiritual because of the peace and connection they feel.

  • satan.loves says:

    A lot of atheists believe in spiritual things, but not a spiritual being. Satanists on the other hand are very skeptical and do not believe at all in the afterlife or in anything spiritual at all

  • ? says:

    Some atheists believe in ghosts and spirits. Buddhists are atheists. I disbelieve in all things supernatural, but a-theist simply means “no god[s],” not “no supernatural” per se.

  • nerdy_vegan says:

    It depends on what you mean by “spiritual”. If you insist that spirit=supernatural, then no, most atheists aren’t spiritual.

    But if “spiritual” means enjoying those things that speak to the human spirit, that give us a sense of awe and reverence, then atheists can definitely be spiritual. Science is a method for seeking true understanding of the universe we live in, and stars and galaxies are all the more inspiring for understanding what they are and how they work. We can have a deep admiration for human creativity and literature, and appreciate artistic works, seeing the common threads of emotion between all people.

    Not believing in a magic man in the sky, doesn’t mean we are closed to beauty or emotion.

  • midniqhtblue says:

    I think someone can actually be spiritual without believing in a god. It might be the type of person that is deeply rooted in nature, for instance.

    The definition of spiritual is “of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit,” so it seems that it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with a higher power or God.

    There doesn’t have to be any worship involved in being spiritual. It can just be following a teaching or something like that.

  • Im not crazy says:

    so are you trying to tell me buddhists aren’t spiritual?

  • In The Details says:

    Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. Spirituality is the exploration of the aspects of existence that lie beyond normal human perception. One does not necessitate the other. In fact, I have trouble understanding how religious people can call themselves spiritual. They aren’t exploring anything – they’re just mindlessly living within the closed-minded dogma they were indoctrinated into. Nothing spiritual in that.

  • babe32092 says:

    Spiritual can mean a plethora of things these days. It can refer to being connected to one’s own “spirit”– however you define that– which obviously differs for theists and atheists. For me it’s more of being in touch with yourself mentally, emotionally, etc. Understanding yourself and your needs and your wants and being able to take care of you own inner well-being. But, like I said, the idea of “spirit” and “spirituality” differs for most people because it’s not exclusive to anyone one group so everyone has a different idea of it.

  • Kelly Cat says:

    Easily… You should know spirituality isn’t just for theists..

    Excerpt from Wikipedia.. An important distinction exists between spirituality in religion and spirituality as opposed to religion.

    In recent years, spirituality in religion often carries connotations of a believer having a faith more personal, less dogmatic, more open to new ideas and myriad influences, and more pluralistic than the doctrinal/dogmatic faiths of mature religions.[citation needed] It also can connote the nature of believers’ personal relationship or “connection” with their god(s) or belief-system(s), as opposed to the general relationship with a Deity as shared by all members of a given faith.

    Those who speak of spirituality as opposed to religion generally meta-religiously believe in the existence of many “spiritual paths” and deny any objective truth about the best path to follow. Rather, adherents of this definition of the term emphasize the importance of finding one’s own path to whatever-god-there-is, rather than following what others say works. In summary: the path which makes the most coherent sense becomes the correct one (for oneself).

  • alex AE says:

    Everyone is
    Spirit translates from latin, as breath.
    Do you breathe?
    I do,…. often

  • Confuse-Us Say says:

    Non-belief …

  • January says:

    I can’t speak for all atheists, but as for me, I believe in a higher power…ME. I be live through meditation and and enhancing my mind with lots of books and information I can be my own higher power. When things go wrong in my life, I look to my own brain and feelings to get me though it. The belief of god revolves around one or many almighty beings that created all things, and is in charge of all things. Just because we don’t believe in one or many Almighty power chiefs does not mean we do not believe in finding our inner potential that is our spirit. I don’t believe in god, but i believe in mind over matter, and mass conscious. It’s not too different from your praying to god, we just don’t include god. For example. You really want to ace a test, so you pray to god to help you, than you study, and get a good grade. I would give my self affirmation and try to release any distractions, study, and get a good grade. The big key difference would be if we did not get a good grade. christians would say “it’s god’s will” or something like that. I would just take the blame myself and study harder next time. Now, that said, I have to say something about praying. As an ex christian I was taught that “god only helps those who help themselves”. Well, if god will not help you unless you help yourself, than you just end up helping yourself and gods help is not even needed. So that statement is moot. Just thought I’d throw that in. I do realize this is not an attack at athiests, and I neither would attach your beliefs unless provoked. hope I answered your question and then some

  • Kelly L says:

    an atheist can most definitly be spiritual. Spirituality and spirits most often have nothing to do with a higher power.

    Witches and such are spritual, quite possibly even more so than the average Christian. I love people, all kinds, and I find it remarkable that there are soooo many different walks of life and so many different kinds of people that believe in whatever gives them comfort.

    AWESOME question…

  • dwgriffith101 says:

    Spirituality has nothing to do with god. Some people put them together, but they are separate concepts.

  • Benji says:

    You are defining Judeo-Christian-Muslim spirituality. Think Buddhist.

  • Frou Frou says:

    welllara, an atheist means the beleive in no god, no creator, no ‘higher power,
    but not no spiritual realms or issues or beleifs

    we can still beleive in , for example,an energy in us that we dont know or understand , in nature and fate not as ‘higher beings’ but as just beings, and can still consider and contemplate our existence, which is a spiritual process as well as scientific

    spirituality is more like a philosiphy on yourself, on existence, on life, its not about a higher power, unless thats YOUR personal spirituality

    we all have differnt views on what spirituality is and differnt spiritual beleifs

    the fact is im very spiritual, i feel spiritual, i feel soemthing out there, more than us, more than humanity,more than we know,
    i am spiritual on existence, life after death, occult, energy,
    but i dont beleive in god
    i dont beleive in any higher power, deity, powerful being,
    i beleive in other beings, other lifes

    basically there is a lot more to spirituality than just a higher being, a god or a creator
    god and a higher power is what beleivers feel is their spirituality, thats their personal spirituality, but its not mine, as mine is not theirs
    the real issue is this beleif on spirituality the most common known spiritual philosiphy, but its not the only one

  • ? says:

    No. Buddhists are atheists you know.

  • Metal Dog says:

    A higher power is not necessary for one to be spiritual. Look at many Eastern religions such as Taoism, Buddhism and Shinto….they all believe that human beings have a spirit and also posses a belief in a type of afterlife. However, they view this as natural function of the universe and not because of the existence of any type of god or deity. Remember, atheism is simply the lack of belief in any type of god or deity. The belief in a god or deity and the belief in something like a spirit or soul are two beliefs that can exist independently from one another.

  • sailormandave says:

    It’s a problem of language. Many people use the word “spiritual” to mean things other than belief in a spirt or spirits. We really need a new word.

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