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Question by Tyler Leach: How do I become bi-sexual?
I want to become bi-sexual because the girl I like is bi. Is there a ritual or spell to become bi-sexual? Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by ~Tess~
Please tell me this isn’t a serious question.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

13 Responses to How do I become bi-sexual?

  • TheGrayOpossum says:

    That’s disturbing that you actually wanna like men. Seriously. Creepy as shit.

  • ily?jonas says:

    uhhhh wth dudee? your bi when you feel like it . . .

  • Babel says:

    no that’s just the way you naturally are if you are bi or gay or whatever. & you don’t have to be bi just cuz this girl you like is bi i mean it’s a good thing everyone, including the people you like, are different

  • Kylah says:

    first of all why. Are you crazy or something Are you trying to be gay or something man whats wrong with you

  • Tyler says:

    seriously you are considered bi sexual when you are interested in both genders!

  • Daniel says:

    Once a year the Homosexual board of wizards meet… You must make a pilgrimage to see them (backstage at the Bette Midler show in Vegas) Bring with you a full collection of Madonna’s albums, A rainbow sticker and the newest issue of Vogue Magazine…

    You must pick out an outfit for your female friend and do her hair… If it is declared “Fierce” you will then be initiated…

    At that point you must answer a trivia question about Judy Garland… Answer it correct and you would develop an interest in men..

    (You cant decide to be bisexual…)

  • Hot & Heavy says:

    Just add water

  • Deuteronica says:

    Try making love at a man and see how it feels.

  • Believe Bridesmaid says:

    I’m going to pretend you did not just ask that.
    PS fuck off.

  • Urd says:

    if u feel like u want to be BI…i think that u r bi then…

  • Lexie says:

    Um, you’re joking. Right?

  • AndrewM says:

    Inject ATD in your Superachiasmatic nucleus. When you are a baby.

    That should block testosterone and enlarge number of vasopressin neurons. Thereby making the area more like that of a heterosexual woman. It will respond to male pheromones the way a straight woman does and vola! You are gay or bi.

    This is what happens in the brain naturally. You are born gay or bi. The brain is that of the straight opposite sex. A gay man has a woman’s brain (Swabb, 2007).

  • Beth says:

    Okay since no one’s stating this obvious fact I will.
    SHE’S BI
    she’ll like you regardless of who you are
    hon, don’t try to be something you aren’t ok?
    The only reason you would have to change your sexual orientation is if you suddenly found some guy attractive.
    and if she was a lesbian you couldn’t do anything about yourself to get her to like you
    bi means she likes both. I’m bi and I definatly find guys attractive because they’re guys. Why would I only date bi or gay guys? It’s hard enough to get a girlfriend. And if that is what she wants then you should question why you would want to be with a girl so judgemental and so picky? You deserve better then to change yourself for a girl.

    btw A SPELL?????
    a RITUAL?????
    sorry love but it isn’t abracadabra I’m now into guys.

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