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Question by juggalo_omen: How do I join the NAC (Native American Church)?
I follow the path of shamanism… though not a shaman yet, for I have yet to go on a spiritual journey, I’ve found that my body has an abnormaly high tollerance for halucinogens, and I lack the time required to meditate to that point (I work an average of 50 hours/week). From all the research and soul searching I’ve done, it seems the most suited religion to my personal beliefs. YES, Peyote is the flesh of god (much as christians view comunal wine and bread), as is Salvia Divinorum, and teonánacatl (“magic” mushrooms for thoes that aren’t familiar the term)… Every known teacher plant is a part of god, and each plays it’s own role in teaching a lesson in a different, yet simmilar way… I was called to shamanism by a series of 3 dreams… I only understood PART of their meanting at first, but I’ve come to understand the other part of the meaning as a “call to arms” if you will… Also, if anyone knows of any shamans in the Baltimore area willing to help guide me, please let me know.

Best answer:

Answer by magickal_orange
This seems to be their website. Why not contact them and ask them?

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