Question by zhou_len_wong: how do level 70 shamans on WoW fare in PvP and Battlegrounds?
are they any good when paired against level 70’s? my friend tells me they suck but I want to know for sure what makes them good or crappy. what are their benefits and their downfalls? (im looking particularly at enhancement shamans)
Best answer:
Answer by Micah M
They hold there own. Prior to this last patch they were better off as enhancement. Now after the patch elemental can do alright, but enhancement still seems to excel. They are beasts. You wont know until level 80. I think the shaman is a fun class, and if you grow bored of one spec you can easily change to a whole different outlook. healing, melee, caster.
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they hold their own for sure. My boyfriend plays an enhancement shammy, most of his t6, very little pvp gear, and he does just fine. Of course I’m usually healing him with my pally, but even on his own he’s reasonably durable with shamanistic rage and he puts out a LOT of dps. Even ele and resto shamans are holding up well – earthsheild makes resto shamans on part with holy pallies as far as durability goes and Ele just pwns things before they reach ’em 😉