How Psychic Development Can Benefit Your Life
Psychic development – the ability of an individual to utilize one or more of their psychic abilities for achieving unexplainable results beyond the norm. Psychic ability is unexplainable by any known laws. But since the beginning of modern civilization, man has always known of the existence of these unique powers
Egypt, Greece and Rome
Man’s desire to study psychic development is nothing new. Through the centuries of time, man has attempted to understand this unusual phenomenon. The ancient Egyptians were strong believers in these unseen forces and devoted centuries of study to understand, develop and control them. They used various psychic development techniques to help them better comprehend these mysterious forces. The Egyptians used dream scrying, astrology and meditation. They also accepted reincarnation as a fact of life. The Egyptians had several religious cults devoted to understanding these psychic forces on a deeper level.
The Greeks and Romans also had a strong interest in what we now call psychic development. They believed that you could use this knowledge to help yourself lead a better life. There were even “Mystery Schools” in Greece and Rome devoted to nothing but learning about spiritual and psychic development. In these Mystery Schools, they studied the Tarot, Numerology, Astrology and other forms of divination. In fact, the word “psychic” finds its origin from the Greek word “psychikos” meaning “of the soul and mind.”
Common Psychic Experiences
Psychic development uses our god-given sixth senses and is inherent in all of us. Therefore, learning how to develop and unlock this power is possible for everyone. Psychic development