How to Become the New Rich
Throughout the developed world, we have moved from an era of man hours to an era of leveraged mind power. We have moved from the use of physical strength to the use of intelligence and automation. Today the chief sources of value in our society are knowledge and the ability to aquire that knowledge in a timely and powerful fashion. Information is growing at a rapid pace and surviving in the digital age is very challenging.
When you can learn to be a life long learner and the ability to aquire knowledge and apply that knowledge at a rapid pace. You can control not only yoru destiny but can have the competitive advantage through out the world. is a great resource that shows the power for networkign with the best in multiple industries to accomplish together what was difficult if not impossiblle pre-digital age. I can now deploy programmers in India, Cambodia, Estonia to do the technical piece in a predefined timeline and contain my cost while I have a marketing contractor work on driving the product to market from his home office at a fraction of the cost than hiring my own marketing personnel. This concept is called, “The New Entrepreneur.”
I recently read the book, “The FOur Hour Work Week” by Timothy Ferriss. This book is to 2008 what Stephen Covey’s books were to the 90’s. This book really explains the “New Rich” and their power. I have been studying internet marketing for almost a decade and I have seen that the home based business person does not get the internet marketing is not automatic until you apply the principles of careful outsourcung and rapid knowledge deployment. You must work with systems that automate knowledge aquistion, application of knowledge, and