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How to cast spells

To cast a spell one need to do some rituals one has to believe that such things happen and yes it is difficult to think that such things happen. But as I believe that such things actually happen it sis true that they do happen. Now there are some easy ways to cats a spell.

1.Try to get yourself an empty page. When I say empty I mean empty page which is white in color and not off white. It should not be folded or creased either.

2.Then get some needles and a thread and some pencils.

3.Get some candles and light one of them. Place them on a table and then close all the windows and doors of the room. And then try and mediate for a few minutes.

4.Once you are slowly opening your eyes after meditation. Try to puncture the middle of the paper with the needle and try to does it atones. Then try to write the name of the person on whom you would like to try the spell and then punch in the needle again.

5.Once done then try to remember his face and puncture the face again with your needle. Keep doing it and then once you have done this successfully you will see that the flame of the candle will go off with a whimper and you will know that you have successfully casted a spell on the victim.

Another thing about casting spells is the fact that is required a lot of energy that needs to be harnessed and a lot of concentration. Focus is something that is very essential here. Magic and spell casting is a highly complex metal state and to achieve it what it required is a full fledged clearance of all distractions.

The only way to work on the real core of spell casting is to combine the metal state of things with the energy required to perform the task.  The idea is to focus on a particular object and bring in a circular force that will bind the surroundings with the energy to perform that will generate the movement or the motion as you wants.

The energy will be either from your sight or body as you want to do it. What you require is the ability to hold on that thought to generate the energy. This kind of energy is what exists in nature and cannot be contained in anything. The human mind is what controls part of it and hence this is one way of putting it to test.

Make sure you have no distractions in your path while you are working on it, especially other people around you.

Casting spells is a very powerful way to get anything you want. If you would like to learn more about casting spells and real magic power then visit

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