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How to Leap Like a Frog, or How to Apply Spiritual Wisdom in Real Life

Can you get practical help for real life issues from the “woo-woo” world of spirit? Yes. The language of Spirit is spoken in metaphors and parables – also known as stories. When you take a shamanic journey into the spirit realm, you will be entertained as well as taught. Here is an example of Spirit telling a simple, almost childish tale that contains profound lessons and practical advice for a real world problem. The journeyer asks, “Show me if I should quit my day job and go out on my own.”

The journeyer opens her inner eyes and finds herself seated in a canoe by the bank of a deep green river flowing through a dark forest. The canoe is traveling into the west toward the setting sun, whose rays are lighting the tops of the trees, turning them gold. The West is the land of Water where the air itself is so moist that your face always feels damp, whether you are crying or not. The West is where wet creatures live. The West is where Old Trout lives, down in the deepest depths of the river past the furthest western fork, near the mouth where the river empties into the Western Sea.

The river is full of bends and twists. She cannot see what is coming next. The canoe rolls and bobs with the current, and the shadows lengthen over the river. All she sees are trees and water, water and trees. She stands on the seat of the canoe, teetering on tiptoes and craning her neck, trying to see over the tops of the trees. But all she sees are trees and water, water and trees.

She sits down on the seat and peers into the river. And there is Old Trout himself, swimming alongside the canoe. He is enormous, longer than the canoe itself. He eyes her with the predatory look of someone very hungry. His rainbow scales shimmer

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