When somebody perform a magick spell,the devils carry out the magick to hurt someone or for love en many more.
For Example:you take a clay idol,you put the clay idol in a dark room in a cirkel,en light on 3 black candles,you burn some incense frankincense you put the picture of the person you love or hate for the idol en you recite to the clay idoll wat you want to happen with the person than it will happen.
Why: The devils will let you think that the clay idol is god en carry out the magic.
I agree with you on the concept of black and white magic in voodoo however the magical karma known as the threefold law only applies in Wicca not in African based spirituality like Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo, Palo, Ifa, and Santeria or any other faith system that incorporates magic in to its practice.
i have a question can a voodoo doll be made from any material? i have clay lying around and i wanted to make 1 out of it
see your beautiful girl here naneedj.info
this didn’t help
When somebody perform a magick spell,the devils carry out the magick to hurt someone or for love en many more.
For Example:you take a clay idol,you put the clay idol in a dark room in a cirkel,en light on 3 black candles,you burn some incense frankincense you put the picture of the person you love or hate for the idol en you recite to the clay idoll wat you want to happen with the person than it will happen.
Why: The devils will let you think that the clay idol is god en carry out the magic.
@tato2you no…… voodoo is dark, you can kill people with it.
@mysticvoodoomama how does it work.
@tato2you isent that grey magic???
OW! my heart i think im dying! im in love now ?????
2:37 is just ccrreeppyyyyy
@CorazonRojiblanco11 wtf? how ?
Thanks alot, i made some fucker bleed like hell from his arm
Can I use a voodoo doll for Lucid dreaming, or astral projecting, or anything dealing with dreams.
@1woodstockPeace You can find spanidh moss hanging from alsmost any tree in the NW forests. Or you could just go to a flower shop
i try make voodo doll for my ……..
If I make a voodoo doll just to look at it just like a normal doll (Sorry, I like dolls) Will it bring anything bad to me or something?
I like this music.
voodoo doll is not enough, u neeed a picture also and ull be more powerful by talking with the person you mess with…. its evil
@macmeachum it works, and how do i know it, cause someone is messing with me
I agree with you on the concept of black and white magic in voodoo however the magical karma known as the threefold law only applies in Wicca not in African based spirituality like Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo, Palo, Ifa, and Santeria or any other faith system that incorporates magic in to its practice.
where can I find spanish moss dude, I want to kill someone
wow it really works thanks
Is scary :O
were would i get spanish moss dude i want a working doll that hurt your self and or others
all right dude seriously scared and who is the voodoo doll posted to be