thought form. If you power it with
positive emotion it goes out into the unseen world to become
manifest. Maybe your wish was not powerful enough just from your
own thought. But it can gain power by hooking up with the
positive emotions of other people around you. If those people
have the same thought for you as you have for yourself then its
power and ability to manifest becomes stronger. If a group of
people believe in your wish as you do and have the same positive
emotion about it as you do then it will manifest quickly and
The same is true for fear based thoughts. Ever notice that you
can share your wish with someone and it just fizzles out
unmanfested? They intentionally took your positive energy away
from your wish by feeding it with their negative emotions about
it. They stole the gas from your car. And have you noticed if
you shared your wish with others who have the same wish for you
it became more powerful and was able to manifest physically in
your life?
So to make a wish come true, first you need to have a positive
thought. This thought should not just be one that will benefit
you only but should be one that will benefit all of Creation so
that it can be Creator’s own thought form powered by Creator’s
love as well as your own. That will guarantee your success. If
your wish is for you personally, it will be more difficult to
find sufficient positive emotion and shared belief to make it
happen. So a wish in alignment with Creator’s thoughts is the
first step. Then share that thought with others who have
positive emotions to feed it. If they can believe in your
thought and share positive emotion for it, that is even better.
The more people who share your thought the more powerful that
thought form is.