Now you have the car of the common positive thought and the gas
of positive emotion. You have put that wish in motion and it has
no choice but to manifest itself in your life provided that it
doesn’t get stopped by negative thoughts and emotions draining
it and causing it to lose power and stall out on the side of the
road. Announcing your positive thought/wish to those who want to
see you fail is a sure way of stalling out your wish. Wishing
for something that you know in your heart or mind is not good
for you will not give any power to that wish. If you have any
negativity about your wish either consciously or unconsciously
it will not have the power to manifest for you. If you do not
connect it to Creator’s own wish for you, it will be pretty
small in power and hard to manifest. If your wish is harmful in
any way it cannot be powered by positive emotion no matter how
much love you throw at it. If someone’s wish is deliberately
harmful and enough people throw positive emotion at it such as
love, it can also stall out on the side of the road. But if your
wish is not only for your good but for the good of a group of
people and good in Creator’s benefit too, then it will be
powerful. And if you can get that group involved emotionally in
that wish it will have more than enough gas to manifest itself.
This is a universal truth and has been taught by sages and
mystics and wise men throughout all of history. This is a
universal truth of Shamanism too. This explains the reason for
inner world beings and the struggle between good and evil in the
inner worlds where the Shaman journeys to heal people. This is
the explanation of why you have guides and teachers and helpers
around you who were given to you by Creator to help you