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How to Opent the Psychic Channels to Balance the Chakras

One of the most comprehensive systems for describing man in all his dimensions in the seven chakra model of kundalini yoga. The model not only helps us understand the total human being, but also gives us a framework from which we can work towards our spiritual evolution.

In this article I want to give a brief overview of the chakra system, but more importantly I want to explain what the psychic channels (nadis) are, how we can use that knowledge to help us make progress on our journey towards enlightenment.

Chakras are essentially multidimensional energy vortexes that help transmute and conduct energy between the different bodies that make up a human being. These three bodies are the physical, emotional and mental sheaths and the chakas move energy between them. There are seven important chakras in all and they lie in the emotional body, also sometimes called the energetic body. The first chakra resides at the base of the spine, while the seventh lies at the crown of the head. The other five reside in between.

In this energetic body also lies a vast network of fine channels which are called nadis. These nadis, or psychic channels, carry prana or life-force throughout the system, and prana nourishes and sustains the person. Blockages in the nadis disrupts this flow of prana, prevents the chakras from working at optimum capacity, which in turn creates imbalances and problems for the body and personality.

Of all the nadis (a reputed 72,000) of the network of psychic channels, there are three that are most important. These three are the ida, pingala and shushumna. The shushumna is the central channel that run through the center of the spine, with the ida starting

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