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subtitles, captions and headlines. They also tend to be more readable at the smaller font sizes. Serif fonts, on the other hand work better where there is a large amount of text (a paragraph or more).

Appropriateness: It’s important that you choose a font that is appropriate for your audience. For instance, if your book is targeted for women, choose a more feminine font. If your book’s focus is children, then it would be appropriate to choose a font that conveys a sense of playfulness. However, regardless of age and gender, if your subject is serious then you would want a font that conveys a serious tone.

Keep in mind that there are no hard and fast rules in this area of font selection. What seems appropriate for a masculine subject in one situation may not be so in another situation. The point here is simply to pay attention to what message and feeling you’re communicating with your selected font.

Here are some more font tips for ebook covers:

• Use one or two fonts. Never use more than three different fonts. Better yet, use different weights of the same font. For example, use Arial Black for the title and Arial Bold for the subtitle.

• Don’t use too much text on your cover. It won’t be readable anyway. The less text you use, the larger and more readable your text will be. You may want to consider using a shortened version of your actual book title for the cover image.

• Use the largest, boldest font for the book title, a smaller size for the subtitle, and even smaller sizes for author name and any additional text.

• Use text colors that contrast with your background to make your title stand out. However, make sure that the color of your text does not clash with the background color.

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