How To Use A Cast Iron Cauldron
Cauldron History
Cauldrons have long been used within wicca and witchcraft for many different purposes and from ancient times to current the cauldron continues to be a main stay within the craft.
So what makes a cauldron such a vital tool within wicca and witchcraft? Well there are many different roles a cauldron can be used for anything from cooking, to being used as incense burners, or even as a fire resistance pit for burning items for rituals and spells.
In wicca a cauldron symbolizes the womb of the Goddess and can also represent rebirth and purification through fire. The cauldron is considered a sacred vessel to the Goddess and so many individuals within the craft favor using it for this purpose.
In Celtic influenced wicca the cauldron represents the goddess Cerridwen and Celtic legend also tells of a cauldron that was useful to warring armies: dead warriors could be put into the cauldron and would be returned to life, save that they lacked the power of speech. It was suspected that they lacked souls. These warriors could go back into battle until they were killed again.
Cauldrons In General
Almost all cauldrons are made from cast iron as this material is highly resiliant to fire and will not burn or be damaged from the flames like other materials. Cast iron is also durable and strong and if properly kept clean and dried out after use will not rust that easily like other metals.
Many cauldrons come with lids and a metal handle useful for carrying and transporting them around either full or empty and the lids will protect the user from and the contents inside much like modern pots being used on the