How to Use Brwt Force to Write a Book
Ready to get started with the BRWT force technology? Brace yourself. This is so simple and powerful you will wonder why you have not heard of it before.
When you sit down to write, do not stop. Do not check your email; do not correct your spelling or grammar. Write as the words and ideas rush into your brain. Dump everything you have to say onto your paper as fast as your pen or typing fingers can keep up. Now here is a little secret…write your copy like you are writing to a friend
Letters to friends are easy to write, right? The words flow easily onto the page and you will probably notice that you use the word “you” often. That is a key to conversational style. Your book is about helping your reader. They want to be involved in the content. They want to feel like you are writing it just for them.
Now when you write a letter to a friend, assuming that you have several topics to discuss, you do not mix the topics up. There is an organization to your letter. You probably start with the idea that is going to be the strongest and most interesting. You are also going to start a new paragraph with each new idea or topic
Your book will be organized in much the same way. However, the great thing about writing a book is you do not have to write it in order. You can work on any section independently and then put it together in the order that makes the most sense. In the book “101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book. How To Make A 6 Figure Income By Writing & Publishing Your Own Book,” we give a seven step process to outline your book for maximum efficiency. Step six is to change your outline points into questions. Step seven is