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to use BRWT force technology

The key is to write as fast as possible in your own conversational style. Do not stop to check your spelling. Do not stop to research anything. Think about it! You do not stop to research or edit your conversations so do not stop writing. Do not pause for any reason. Pour all of the information as it comes into your head and put it on paper. This is important. Writing like this not only produces an abundance of copy, 9 times out of 10 the copy is well written and will require very little editing and revision. This is because you are writing like you talk. You are not taking the time to edit yourself or to find your literary muse; you are simply writing down what you know as you know it.

Timing matters. It is important to write for a designated amount of time. Give each question or point 5-7 minutes, no longer. Why? Because if you give yourself too long to answer a question, you will have the tendency to fill the time second guessing yourself and falling away from the BRWT Force. On the other hand if you know that you only have 5 minutes to dump all of your information onto the paper, you are not going to pause, you are not going to get up to sharpen your pencil or refill your coffee cup. You are going to write and you are going to write hard. Besides, you can wait five minutes to refill your coffee.

There you have it BRWT will get your book written in an unbelievably short amount of time It’s easy and it is fun. Believe it!

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