Hystorical Spelling Quotes
While we are aware of the importance of the correct spelling, we feel an obligation to provide access to alternate views
“It is a damn poor mind indeed which can’t think of at least two ways to spell any word.”
– President Andrew Jackson
“I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.”
– Mark Twain
“…ours is a mongrel language which started with a child’s vocabulary of three hundred words, and now consists of two hundred and twenty-five thousand; the whole lot, with the exception of the original and legitimate three hundred, borrowed, stolen, smouched from every unwatched language under the sun, the spelling of each individual word of the lot locating the sourceof the theft and preserving the memory of the revered crime.”
– Mark Twain
“… the English alphabet is pure insanity…”, “It can hardly spell any word in the language with any degree of certainty.”
– Mark Twain
“But I appeal to you in behalf of the generations which are to follow you, … age after age, cycle after cycle. I pray you, consider them and be generous. Lift this heavy burden (traditional spelling) from their backs. Do not send them toiling and moiling down the 20th century still bearing it, still oppressed by it … I pray you, let the hieroglyphics (old spelling) go, and thus save millions of years of useless time and labor to fifty generations of posterity that are to follow you… This cost of time is much too expensive. It could be employed more usefully in other industries, and with better results.”
– Mark Twain
“The English have no respect for
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