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Question by Love of Truth: I am an Aries Sun but Sagittarius Moon and Rising, which is the more dominant self?
Outwardly I can seem very head strong. When I lock onto an idea it can be difficult for me to let it go. I am also extremely sexual and am usually more concerned with another’s pleasure than my own.

However on the other hand I have a very intense love for the truth so much so that I get into various political and spiritual causes. I desire to write many books on Spiritual Metaphysics, Meditation, Adages, Health, as well as various Creative Fictions.

I tend to value a few really good friends than to be a social butterfly. I can spend much time alone without getting bored but have a strong calling to be a helper of types via counseling through health, practicalities, or other things more spiritual in nature.

Having gotten a glimpse of who I am what say ye concerning my signs? Which one tends to be more pronounced in me? Does the doubling of Sagittarius carry an extra weight?

I curiously await your replies.
sally, sounds like we have a lot in common with the Aries Sagittarius energy. I also dated a Scorpio once. It was an intense experience to say the least. I appreciate you flattering comments. I’m sure you are very fascinating yourself but I suspect you like most scorpios are a bit secretive about your life.

Best answer:

Answer by Hunter G
awaits no more and n heres ur goodies..err i mean answers 🙂

moon sign::
The astrological sign position of the moon has an important bearing on personality and temperament from an emotional point of view. It describes how a person will emotionally handle the characteristics and traits indicated by the position of the sun at birth.

Rising sun::
The first house and the sign that rules the first house, which is also known as the Ascendant or Rising sign, describes your outer personality and physical attributes. To some extent it also describes your health and the type of illnesses you may experience.

Sun sign::
The sun sign just tells you something about your general personality and spirit. When you combine your sun sign horoscope with your moon sign (the inner you and emotions) and your ascendant (your outer image) you’ll get a lot more information.

hope those info above give u a clearer picture..

visit this page for more info:

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5 Responses to I am an Aries Sun but Sagittarius Moon and Rising, which is the more dominant self?

  • sally says:

    gee, i don’t know, but i think you are kind of fascinating, i am a scorpio with moon in sagg as well as venus in sagg and mars in aries- i wonder too,,, sally

  • Christy says:

    definitely Sagittarius.

  • astroleolady says:

    Some things to consider:

    What houses your Sun in Aries and Moon in Sag are in.
    What aspects the Ascendant, Sun and Moon are making in your chart.
    What house cusps that you have Leo (Sun rules) and Cancer (Moon rules) on.
    Where the ruler of your Ascendant (Jupiter) deposits and in what sign.

    Angular house (1,4,7,10) placements are the strongest, succedent house (2, 5, 8, 11) placements are middle ground and cadent house (3,6,9,12) placements are the weakest because they don’t have much opportunity for action like an angular placement would.

    The fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) rule stubborness, not wanting to let go of an idea. Sexuality is governed by the 5th (love affairs) and 8th (sex) along with Scorpio, Mars and Pluto. The giving of love is ruled by the 5th house and the receiving of love by the 11th house.

    Jupiter, Sag’s ruler, governs honesty and the truth. The need to serve & help others and health care are governed by the 6th house, Virgo and Mercury. Writing is governed by Mercury, Gemini and the 3rd house. Publishing is governed by Jupiter, Sag and the 9th house. Creativity is governed by the Sun, Leo and the 5th house. Spiritual matters are governed by Neptune and Pisces. Meditiation is governed by Saturn and the 12th house.

    Friends are governed by the 11th house. Loner qualities are governed by Neptune.

    All of that must be looked at and more. You always have to look at and consider the whole chart, when delineating it.

    Have you had a natal reading before? You can get one at under free horoscopes and select “Astro Click Portrait”. It’s based on the writings from Robert Hand’s book “Planets in Youth”.

  • goldwing110083 says:

    Your aries will win out any old day. YOu have the appearance of a sag (are you shaped like a muffler??? thing with little or no indentation at the waist from a head on look?
    Aries will be the driving force in your life, challenge is your forte’, but beware of tenderness of feelings, especially can dish it out, but have a hard time taking it. If typical, you are very good looking and like conquest. Nothing is to large to tackle, so watch out that you don’t get in over your head. Aries tend to flare with temper, but settle down quickly. Good luck

  • Trevez T says:

    aries cause that’s what I am and it’s the first horoscope on the scale andwe are the strongest and most protecting.

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