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Question by Kaorie M: I am trying to learn about Paganism, are there any true pagan history sites that i can go to?
I have come across some but im not really sure about them i want to make sure i get the truth.

Best answer:

Answer by angelsoqt
i am always confused about the concept of paganism. I always thought Christian leaders have put all the other religions in one category of Paganism. So they considered Eastern religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc etc Pagans. Then your question doesn’t make sense. Because these are different religions. Which one would you get converted too….

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8 Responses to I am trying to learn about Paganism, are there any true pagan history sites that i can go to?

  • Full Moon Lover says:

    Well sorry to say but no one site is True as in Paganism there are many paths: Witchcraft, Wicca etc two different beliefs really. If you want to look into Paganism look into what path you would like to take and investigate them. The only best way to learn.

    But you can Email me with the path your looking for and I can give you some if I can.

    Well good luck

    Blessed be

  • Hestia's_Priestess says:

    There are really no 100% “True” pagan history sites out there sad to say. The best that you will find is educated guesses mixed in with some historical evidence.

    There is documentation of various edicts and actions against Hellenic Pagans under the Byzantine Empire here, but that cannot tell us ALL of Hellenic Pagan history before or since. The same is likely true of other Pagan religions.

  • Riverotter7 4DaBenDan says:

    No, my Dear One, there are *no* true Pagan sites you can go to.
    There are no true Pagan religions, but there are a great deal of good Faiths for you to choose from. All you have to do is find the one best suited for you. I’ve chosen to stay an eclectic Pagan (one who picks and chooses because this is what I’ve felt best for me) although others stay on a more regimented Path. Do what feels best for you. just don’t let anyone force you into doing otherwise. Blessings.
    If you need help, drop me a note and I’ll try to give you a paw.

  • Boar's Heart says:

    No sites, but books galore . . .

    For a history of the roots of ancient paganism, I recommend J.P Mallory’s “In Search of the Indo-Europeans” (Indo-Europeans being the source of many ancient cultures) and H.R. Ellis Davidson’s “Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe” and “Roles of the Northern Goddess” . . . the latter, especially, is highly recommended.

    If you’re looking for a history of *modern* paganism, Adler’s “Drawing Down the Moon” is, while expressly Wicca-oriented, fairly comprehensive and quite accurate.

  • Stefany S says:

    Paganism is an umbrella term used for any non-Abrahamic faith. There is NO Pagan religion.

    As for websites I suggest checking out: <---- I also HIGHLY suggest checking out the "Why we don't like Silver Ravenwolf" and "Who is Fiona Horne?" articles, two of the most horribly prolific 'Wicca' authors to date. They are extremely bad authors to learn from, IMHO. I'd also suggest avoiding anything written by Margaret Murray and DJ Conway, btw.

  • BlueManticore says: is a good resource.

  • valerie_voigt says:

    I don’t know of any website that has both comprehensive and accurate historical information, though I will second other respondents’ recommendations of and of Margot Adler’s excellent book DRAWING DOWN THE MOON.

    The best online starting point I can think of is , which is Isaac Bonewits’s site. Isaac is one of the most knowledgeable and sensible people in the Pagan community, and I recommend not only his site, but his books, which are very no-nonsense.

    Aside from that: read widely, and never check your brain at the door.

    Happy reading!

  • Therapon says:

    Paganism in contemporary religion means Neopaganism which is an umbrella term for a number of religions mainly Wicca, Druidry, Asatru & Hellenismos.

    If you mean the history about these Neopagan religions I’m not sure that there are any websites around?

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