Question by amstel_light_56: I had a hallucination with a high fever, what does it mean?
I was sleeping, then I woke up to the sight of Native Americans circled around me. Dressed in beautiful clothing, face paint and awesome feathers.
They were talking in a language, presumably Native American? I could understand what they were saying.
“Son, you need healing”
They were also making food in a bowl that was rested on my stomach. They deep fried my iPod and told me that this was evil. Then the older Shaman gave me a wooden spoon filled with a paste. I ate it then I fell back asleep. That morning I woke up feeling great. But something changed, I had a new outlook on life. I have been doing a lot of bad things before this. Now I feel like they were a waste, and I had somethings I had to make up for. When they meant “healing” I think they ment physically and mentally, I feel like I need to do something to finish it.
What does this Hallucination mean??
What should I do?
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by thexfilez
Maybe its a sign to change your life.
Add your own answer in the comments!
I think you have been blessed!
Black Elk, one of the most famed NA shamans (medicine man) had his great vision when he had a fever.
Some would say that the healing referred to here is spiritual.
Read ‘Black Elk Speaks’.
Live on the path of your heart!
Straighten up and fly right. You were given a chance to look at yourself and make changes. Very lucky occurrence. A hallucination begins in your mind and it generally takes the form that your brain has in storage. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything except from time to time your brain using the facts that are stored inside of it releases these hallucinations (especially when someone is ill and very feverish or on drugs). Some are pretty nerve racking; some are very useful. Your hallucination helped you know yourself and if you are smart you will follow the lead given by the hallucination.
“The Path of the Higher Self,” Mark Prophet,
“The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?”, Free and Wilcock,
“Men in White Apparel,” Ann Ree Colton,
“The Great Divorce,” C. S. Lewis,
“Expecting Adam,” Martha Beck, Ph.D., and
“Sacred Psychology of Change,” Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D. are good. and may also be of interest.
Listen, you tend to get delirious and hallucinate when you have high fever.
What you saw was a lucid dream. But it is good that you have acquired a better outlook on life after the illness. i wish u all the best.
Wow, this sounds awesome. When you say you had a profound healing from this experience, I believe you. I’m not going to get all weird and psychic about it, because you don’t sound like you’re looking for a weird and psychic answer
The Native Americans were a symbol for you, presented by your higher self (or your conscience, if you prefer), and representing people who are perceived by some as being beyond the material world, and having a higher form of spirituality, and representing a more “natural” way of life. A circle is a symbol for completion, and from the sound of all this, it sounds like you have come “full circle”. You understood and acknowledged that you needed spiritual, as well as physical healing. The food represents food for thought, and when the Shaman fed you, your higher consciousness was offering you needed spiritual nourishment. On some level, you may have been symbolically “chewing over” some thoughts about your life, maybe reviewing your life. Based on the imagery with the Ipod, and some of your other comments, I’m getting an impression that the way you lived your life before this was based on trying to find fulfillment through material gains. ( Ipod = symbol for trendy, expensive things, status symbols) Yet somewhere deep down, you know this isn’t the right way for you to live, and when you were lying there in fever, you were confronted with this. It isn’t important whether you choose to view the Native Americans as spiritual guides from beyond, or just as symbols of spiritual healing created by your own self. You can choose to believe this was a message from God if you want, or you can choose to believe the message came from your own self. It isn’t really important what you choose to believe about what these symbols actually are, or whether something supernatural happened to change your life. The important thing is, whatever the source, you have received a deep and fundamental change in your outlook and future growth something along the lines of what happened to Scrooge in a Christmas Carol, was he really visited by ghosts, or was he just dreaming all night? Who knows? The important thing is that he reviewed his life, he discovered where he went wrong, and woke up the next morning ready to change it. You indicate that you’ve done things you’re not proud of in your life, and ask what you should do now that you’ve had this experience. The most important thing to do now is this: be in the now. When you wake in the morning, remember that you have a chance to do better this time, and make better use of your day than you have in the past. Keep your focus on moving forward. You mention you have some things to make up for. If there is a way for you to make amends to those you have harmed along the way, then perhaps it would help you to make a “My name is Earl” list, and cross a few things off of it. It would help to strengthen your commitment to turning over a new leaf, and help you to feel better about your life if you can make amends, and come away from it feeling like you’ve learned something in the experience. If there are some things on the list that you could truly never make amends for, then try to accept that you will never be able to change it, come away from it with a lesson in mind, and put closure on it. Most importantly though, is to get up in the morning resolved to make something more of your life than what you did in the past, and follow through on that, committed to finding out what kind of life will make you truly happy, and setting about to make it a reality for yourself, and those you love. Good luck to you….