Question by Thelastninja: I like to go to shamans for my health care needs. Will Health Care Reform cover my medical care?
charles veidt- You may believe that but I do not. What gives the government the right to determine what is medicine and what is not?
Best answer:
Answer by Charles Veidt
No. A shaman provides a religious service.
What do you think? Answer below!
I don’t see why not. It would definitely be cheaper over the long haul, and I suppose would be of some value in the evolutionary process of natural selection.
How are you currently covering your costs?
If your shamans aren’t up for insrance there will be no change
If the Republican’s block reform, then that would be your best option.
Or you could go see a witch doctor and get him to hex the insurance companies until they start caring for people. If they only cared for people, we wouldn’t need reform.