I Need Some Sort Of A Gambler’s Good Luck Money Attracting Charm! What’s The Best?
Are You A Superstitious Gambler and YOU Would Love To Start Winning?
You DID NOT Find This Piece By Mistake…it was Meant to Be!
Okay, so you love Poker, cards, or Casino Gambling…maybe betting on Football, Basketball, or even on the red versus black on a Roulette Table. Perhaps Mah jongg is your game, or Bingo, or maybe visiting a Jai Alai Fronton, Dog Track, or Horse Track!
You would like to start winning, and possibly winning BIG, wouldn’t you?
Then YOU need to get some sort of Good Luck Attracting or Money-Attracting Amulet or Good Luck Charms! My name is Father Time, and aside from writing and motivational speaking, I have always had a fascination with the occult and have made a study of various things!
I particularly enjoy Tarot Cards, different Oracles, such as the Kuan Yin Oracle, and I love Good Luck Charms and Amulets so much, that I became a purveyor of them. My website at www.FatherTimePublishing.com has many awesome and powerful Good Luck Attracting Amulets for many different situations in human existence!
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