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Question by Casu.: I want Tarot Cards but I’m scared of what they can do if used improperly by accident?
Well. I’ve always been interested in the psychic stuff but I would be too scared to even touch anything in relation to it, so I’m looking through all kinds of sources that would allow me to know whether or not if someone as intuitive as myself should or need anything like this. I’m trying to take safe short cuts without harming myself or anyone around me by doing something wrong without noticing.

It’s like a burning interest for something I’ve thought about for eleven years. I’ve been looking at movies about those cards since i was about eight. I wasn’t the typical eight year old anyways.

During my sophomore year of college, I became friends with a girl who was a senior at the time who owned them,. When I saw them on the shelf of her book stash, I literally stopped and told her I was not okay with those cards based-off of what I heard about them in the past years. She’s an intuit like me, but we don’t talk about it that much because it’s an insiders secret at first Now, she’s opened to talking about those things. She used them before and I told her not to use them on me even if i’m here or not there with her. She promised, but she used them on her boyfriend.

Based off of what I heard about tarot cards is that they’re like portals to the paranormal world and I don’t want anything to do wit that side of life. I would rather deal with what I have around me now, which is live humans and what not. I’m a scary cat and I know it, so i won’t play around.

The reason behind this is that, my mother told me i was born differently from the rest of her kids. I had something that the others obviously didn’t have and that was something like a psychic ability. I have always felt different from everyone. I see what others don’t see. I hear what others don’t hear. I’m sensitive to feelings and touch as well. I don’t know how to use it but it works on its own sometimes. What I noticed is my intuition. I just got in tuned with it three years ago and I’m learning to work with it every day of life. It’s not like some sit in class lecture either. It’s something that grows with me.

My mother told me i would okay with the cards. I just had to be very careful with them and know how to open and close the portals. That sounds scary. I don’t want to do something wrong. I’m prone to making errors. I’ve always needed guidance with things like this, and if I ever deiced to get those cards, I would need to work with someone who is skilled at the cards.

Best answer:

Answer by cookxenya
Tarot cards are not portals, they are more like a key, as in a map key, or like the keys on a keyboard.

Each card has a meaning, and the order they are placed in gives insight into what’s going on.

The cards themselves do not have intelligence, unless possibly if you’re using a really old deck that might be imbued with energies from previous users..
If used in something like a spell, I suppose they would be fairly powerful, and of course you’d want to be sure you were using them correctly, but for a divination, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Oh,as far as movies go, don’t believe what you see in them. Movies are for making money and what sells is drama.

I’d suggest buying a new set, like the easy tarot, which comes with the gilded tarot, which is even a new design. and then just read the instruction book. Learn what they are and what they mean, and then you can better decide whether you want to Use them in a divination or whatever.

And really the worst that can happen if your’ using them in a reading, is that you can think they mean something they don’t and then if someone acts on that wrong info, things could get annoying I suppose. But really don’t worry about it.

As for using them in a spell, spells are spells, and that doesn’t sound like what you’re interested in them for anyway.

Oh, and if you’re scared of psychic stuff, I’d suggest learning some self defense techniques like grounding and centering and shielding.

Add your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to I want Tarot Cards but I’m scared of what they can do if used improperly by accident?

  • JOExHIGASHI says:

    they don’t do anything

  • Fatcowluvr says:

    some stupid thing some superstitious freak made up. (no offense to you-you can like that stuff if u want) soooo, no, they probably don’t work

  • akumaxkami says:

    Tarot cards do not open portals. They are not really dangerous at all. They are a divination tool, a means of reading one’s fortunes.

    Like the other answer said, the worst that can happen is you misinterpret the cards and give someone inaccurate info about their fortune.

  • Tahlia says:

    Tarot cards are just divination tools – if you don’t cleanse or empower them, they really don’t do anything. When you’ve prepared them, they are actually just pointers – they answer your questions, that’s all. Ask them a question like “I’m going to do…… is this wise?” And the answer will be something like “Well, that one is closest to the middle of the mat and that means it is important… it is the symbol for sudden riches, so I’ll probably get money from this. But that one symbolises unhappiness… Yeah, I think I won’t do it, even if I do get rich.”
    No portals involved. If you don’t know what you’re doing, the worst that can happen is they won’t work or you’ll read them incorrectly and make a stupid decision. 🙂

  • TravisS says:

    Good. You should be. What you need to do is research, research, research. If you really want to use them, learn as much as you can about them. Only then will you be able to use them as safely as possible.

  • Girl Raphael says:

    Begin with Leonardo Davinci’s enigma tarot, its more philosophical and there is NO devil in it. I have them they were my first cards and they are not evil but saved me from extreme depression. I have experienced the healing first hand. I also like the Wisdom of Avalon cards. they are more friendly and helpful as well. get what works for you and dont worry about it. God wont give you more than you can handle. Begin with Leo then try another. Just dont rely on them for perfect answers, they are only guides, not answers. they help you look within.

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