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If It Matters to you, then “IT” Matters!

Too many times, we get so caught up in repetitive dead-end situations where solutions are blatantly obvious, but because of the familiar life-infusing addiction to the emotional drama involved, we refuse to see the ‘forest for the trees.’ We cling to so-called problem like our lives depended on it. {On one level, they do!} But, on the other hand, we spend far too much time discussing the negative components of the so-called predicament, instead of working toward a productive resolution. It’s almost ‘as if’ we don’t want ‘things’ to be resolved. {To resolve would mean we would have to break free from our long held ideas and convictions we currently hold of the other and ourselves.} And, who wants to do THAT? The ‘road to recovery’ flags us at every bend, yet we refuse to acknowledge the signposts. We stare blankly into the ‘pit of despair’ wondering what went wrong. We tell ourselves {rather convincingly}, “I don’t have any idea how things got this bad, difficult or complicated. He/she is so selfish.” {Forgetting altogether that our mate is the mirror of our present state.} In the beginning of our relationships, we never would have believed that something like THIS could/would have happened to us. When did we become one of those people who is stuck in a relationship where there is very little communication? (Less affection)

We spend our days all tangled up, agitated, confused, and angry, ‘on edge’ {not to mention sexually frustrated.}. It seems almost pointless to cover the same ground over and over and over again when the outcome remains the same, unresolved. We start to believe no relief can be had; reconciling ourselves to the ongoing  misery, we dread to face, daily. We pretend to

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