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to realize that? IF you think it’s a matter of justice or ‘getting even’, forget it. Aint no EVEN. (Ask any skilled mathematician/scientist/alchemist; there’s always the imperceptible variable.) What’s so important about driving your point home, anyway? Who appointed you scorekeeper? Furthermore, why do you need to think of yourself as so special to have appointed such a Sovereign position as the one who doles out retribution? Excuse me, while I bow. You are not dealing with anything except your own unresolved insecurities. If you are not careful, you may so exaggerate the importance of the idea of who you think you are that it will be nearly impossible to bring you back into the land of real ‘living breathing human beings’, who are filled with defects, frailties and imperfections. You know, the land where the rest of us live: the ones who make mistakes, who can admit they’re wrong and can be obliging when necessary. {Yes, I did say ‘obliging’ when necessary.}

What? You still need an apology? Why? Why does anyone ever have to say he/she is sorry? It’s unnatural and degrading. No one is ever sorry for an experience that is an essential part of the divine growth entailed for his/her deliverance and exaltation. Give me a break. If he/she was sorry, [as you declare you desire] what would you have to do with him/her? Would that not place not you in a more notable position to laud your high held regard over that lowly soul? Are you implying the other would be fortunate to receive your righteous forgiveness? No thank you. I’ll pass.

You must face the fact that no one owes you anything, ever. Not loyalty, allegiance, or honesty. The rational conscious reason a person decides to be with another is simply because he/she

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