Question by Seth. Snuggie Sutra with Me.: If you, as if by magic, turned into the opposite sex, would you like to be married to yourself?
Do you think you’re the type of spouse that is worth being married to?
Best answer:
Answer by monroeol
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Hell no, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with a bum like me.
Besides if I was a woman, I would have far more interesting things on my mind than marriage
Yes, although my new found fascination with writing my name in the snow with my pee or to pee wherever I wanted might just become a problem. I’ve always envied men having that ability.
opposites attract! i am not sure i would like to be with such a sensitive person if i was sensitive myself.. lol
Probably not lol. Though I guess I could be certain I would be faithful, I’d probably irritate myself.
Actually now I think about it, might not be a bad idea. We might agree on lots of things.
Probably if I turned into a guy I’d be so excited I’d just play with myself all day and wouldn’t need a relationship.
Oh gosh no I am not my type LOL
yes and no, i love without reservation, but im a woman and only a man can deal with us! well, a good man, that is.
Oh hell no. I am a total pain in the ass. The only reason my husband can put up with me is cause he has no spine lmao. We’re a perfect match!
i dunno i might hate my old self.
no I wouldn’t want to married to someone as scattered as me. I have untreated ADHD and man that would drive me nuts. My husband is so organized I sometimes wonder how he puts up with me, but he loves me more then anyone has loved me (except my mom and kids)
Oh yes, I am a fantastic spouse!!
You’ve misunderstood the idea of compatibility. “Worth being married to” does not really make sense. Two people work together well, or they don’t. It’s not a matter of one being marriage material. No person is compatible or worth being married to for the universal human. There is no universal human!
No, I would not want to be married to myself. My fiance would not want to be married to himself. We complement each other and enjoy what the other brings to the relationship. We have things in common, but I never had a good relationship with someone who was exactly like me.
no i’d like to meet someone different from me. i’ll like to know someone i have never known before
ya i think i would i would also buy myself some really nice things and expensive things to so ya i think i would be good to marry
i liked that question , in fact i never thought about turning into opposite sex and marrying myself. hmmmmm yes
yes i would love to .