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activation into the Matrix of the Earth, especially in Peru, Mayan country, India, Nepal, Bali, Avalon and Egypt.  Personal and Group Ceremonies engaging the Ascension of Consciousness with others in the ‘Light Family’ revealed the inherent design of how Source Intelligence is utilizing those of us now in Waking Status to accelerate the Cosmic Program. 

Amoraea’s Visionary art and healing music are also direct ways in which to access these qualities.

Each of Amoraea’s CD’s are designed as sonic templates for soul journeys, higher consciousness activation, and deep meditation. As virtual soundtracks for Ascension, this healing music is also perfect for massage /healing sessions, ritual/ceremony, yoga, tantra, and dreamtime journeys. All are 52 minute unbroken compositions designed to keep you in a fluid stream of experience.

Through Amoraea’s radionic/quantum imbedding of higher harmonics, cosmic vibrations, and sound geometries, these healing music CD’s are catalytically loaded with frequencies specific to ‘Ensouling’ one’s Human Nature.  Listen with your Whole Being ! Music has been important part of the healing process. Healing music has been used for years to create change. One of the greatest things about healing music is, it helps people ignite the soul with high truths and open doors of illumination. The nature of Amoraea’s healing music is based on true spiritual experiences.
Amoraea’s healing music soundtracks are utilized widely across the World by various Healing Arts Therapists, Yoga and Meditation teachers, Healing and Wellness Centers, and Metaphysical Stores.

Amoraea ‘s Visionary art pieces are holographically encoded images that evoke memories of our Spiritual Heritage.

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