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/>Specifically, just how are proteins chemically changed by intention? Every time we think a thought, many chemical reactions occur and every chemical reaction emits light. A thought actually becomes a “light emitter.” Our thoughts and intentions are constantly emitting light and this light directly influences all of the biochemicals in our body.

Quantum physics may sound complex, but for most of us, all we need to know about it is that all physical objects emit information as energy. In this way, all particles are fundamentally connected to everything else. What we perceive as separateness in physical terms is illusory as we are all part of a field of information that is transmitted as energy. This is the basic premise of how distant energy healing works. Some people have the ability to see or perceive subtle energy, often referred to as “aura.” The healer accesses this field of information in order to connect to another person and then deciphers it by putting the information into a form to which they can relate.

Healing is accomplished through various types of connections so a good place to start is to explain what I experience when healing. I feel/see images of interacting, vibrating frequencies connecting to a web or network of frequencies. Everyone has a unique frequency within this web of interconnectivity. I focus to reach a coherent energy frequency by altering mine, in order to get closer to the unique frequency of the person I am healing. This synchronization of frequencies occurs quickly and a more in-tune resonance results in more complete information being exchanged. Using my intentions, I then transfer the information to them so they can manifest positive health changes. This works most effectively if

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