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An Interview with King Arthur Pendragon regarding the protest at Stonehenge. Senior Druids, King Arthur Pendragon and Frank Somers are picketing at Stonehenge to campaign for the return to Stonehenge of the ancestors removed last year from Aubrey Hole 7 by the Riverside Project under the direction of Mike Parker Pearson. These ancestors disturbed from their rest twice now by archaeologists are claimed by Mike Parker Pearson to most likely be of the royal line of ancient Britain from the period when Stonehenge was first constructed as a monument to them, the ancient dead. Arthur first picketed Stonehenge in 1990 and after a lengthy (fourteen year) campaign and a European Court case, helped the free and open access for the Summer Solstice. He returned in June of last year and helped to raise awareness for the desperate need for a new visitor centre at Stonehenge, the present facility being a national disgrace condemned by UNESCO. Frank has been a leader among the Stonehenge Druids for several years and is noted for his positive approach leaning towards co-operation with archaeologists and authorities rather than protest. He officiated as senior Druid at both the Wainwright and Darvill digs and some of the Riverside project digs in 2007. Both Frank and Arthur believe that it is the honourable and decent thing to do to return these ancestors to the earth, back in Stonehenge where they came from and where they belong. They argue that Stonehenge would be an empty place without

18 Responses to Interview with King Arthur Pendragon

  • ruiseartalcorn says:

    I hope that these people are given the respect that they deserve and that their remains are returned!
    Ruiseart (Gaelic Druid Order, Scotland).

  • samwitch13 says:

    i hope they put back the remains properly… count me in for a vote..

  • sonofherne says:

    Bring back the “anchient dead?” …LMAO Bring back good spelling.

  • sonofherne says:

    @TheDeathBunnie I was also present overseeing much of the excavations. I am in favour that after all the tests, they should be returned. Having said that, what about the Stonehenge archer buried at the heel stone resting in Salisbury Museum. Why aren’t people going ape about him? Out of everyone he’s probably one of the most pertinent burials at the henge. A full skeleton with indications of ritual killing, buried at the entrance causeway. Surely a dedicatory guardian if ever I saw one.

  • sonofherne says:

    @sunbirdshaman You said you make an effort to research things. Where did you get your information from? …”Because we’ve been invaded so often, had the crap kicked out of us by the Romans…”
    This is so incorrect I don’t even know where to start. I hate to think what books you are reading… David Icke, Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Junior Druids Guide to Falsified History!

    Kid? Please. Enough of the low base insults. Just because you can’t win an argument, you get shirty. Very spiritual.

  • TheDeathBunnie says:

    I was actually part of the crew that helped excavate those remains, and helped in cleaning and sorting them from the sticks and rocks mixed in with them. They need to remember that it can take a couple of years to run all the available tests, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept a small sample, but it seems rather odd that they wouldn’t want to return them at all. After all, they can’t display them (they’re just charred bits) and keeping them costs money. It just takes time for tests.

  • sunbirdshaman says:

    @sonofherne I Don’t smoke, I rarely drink and I detest Cider. I do however make an effort to research things before I enter into an argument, shame the same can’t be said for you kid

  • sonofherne says:

    @sunbirdshaman Yep, with a spliff & bottle of white lightning in hand no doubt …

  • sunbirdshaman says:

    @sonofherne …. roflmao

  • sonofherne says:

    Who is “they?” Sounds like a paranoid statement. The Romans were invited to Britain, no invasion! You DO realise that Romano-British are not immigrants, but native British people? Where did you ever hear anyone from the government/ archaeologist say we don’t have a claim to our ancestors? Don’t forget they are THEIR ancestors too! There’s no conspiracy, people just want to learn & be informed. Science vs religion has always been in conflict. Study the remains & return them, I’m fully for that.

  • sonofherne says:

    I do agree the bones should be placed back where they came from once were able to find out enough. I’m not sure about the “guardian” stuff. We can’t say who they were or the reasons for their interment. They could be sacrifices, or, a royal lineage. What about the archer in the ditch, the burial in the centre & the anglo saxon execution? Why aren’t these mentioned. They’ve been in a museum for years. The archer is probably more of a dedicatory guardian than the Aubrey burials.

  • sonofherne says:

    The trouble is, we’re judging this by our beliefs, not our ancestors. We don’t know what they believed ultimately. From archaeological/anthropological evidence we find the ancestors were always moving the bones of their dead about & sometimes not returning them! Skulls would be taken & placed in homesteads, above doors and extrances to settlements.Bones were taken out of barrows and used in rituals & worn as talismans of power. Decency doesn’t enter into it, it’s a mute argument.

  • DBAViking says:

    Terrible eh. The Native Americans got this law enacted because they lobbied for it. I say keep at it !

  • sunbirdshaman says:

    Because we’ve been invaded so often, had the crap kicked out of us by the Romans, Normans etc that they don’t believe we have claim to our ancestors, plus they think they own things, and it’s an authority thing for them.

  • DBAViking says:

    Here in North America archaeologists are bound by a law that they have to return Native American remains to their respective elders and tribes for re-internment after a breif period of study. So why not these native people huh?

  • guydecervens says:

    This guy Arfur is just a drunk nutter. Why do idiots listen to anything he has to say? Get a grip!

  • LittlebunnyakaPygmy says:

    Totallly Agree!! It is sick that they are planning on keeping them!! You are so right if they are so desparate they should just keep a small sample! Its disrespectful o.o I mean who wants to be shoved in a plastic box or in a musuem they should be put back into the ground !!

  • jmslc3 says:

    i agree here this is disgusting!!! i watched the dig, and to know they were not returned is wrong. please take my vote and hope you get the remains back

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