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Created for Bitch Magazine The widely popular video game Bayonetta has had an advertising campaign that matches the on screen sexism of the game itself. In Tokyo a large billboard in the subway invited passersby to literally strip off flyers to reveal Bayonetta naked underneath. The campaign perpetuates and encourages sexual and physical harassment against women, an epidemic in Japan (and many other countries, including the United States).
Video Rating: 2 / 5

25 Responses to Introduction

  • umeblossoms says:

    The Bechdel Test doesn’t gauge whether it’s feminist, but it can gauge whether women are invisible. In games, female characters often play a silent, rescuable or backup role, and that wasn’t the case here. Yeah, maybe agency is the wrong word here- I guess I mean that the female characters actually advance the plot- without being there just for the sake of the male characters (for the sake of the adolescent fantasies though… yep. Still misogynistic).

  • feministfrequency says:

    @umeblossoms The Bechdel Test doesn’t gauge whether a text is feminist or not. I also find it difficult to talk about agency in terms of video game characters, especially those that were created as a male fantasy (no matter how campy it might be).

  • MEGAGUY21 says:

    no offensive …but it JAPAN!!!
    these guys have HELLAVA content that make bayonetta
    objection of women look like a school yard crush!
    they freaking USED schoolgirl panties in venting machines for God only
    know what. so yeah….this game is just the tip the iceberg of japan

  • Anarchosyn says:

    “Overly sexualized adolescent male fantasy” pretty much hit the nail on the head. I’m a gamer and when I saw you were taking umbrage against something which so self consciously wants to court your indignation.. well.. I rolled my eyes at first. However, your review was insightful and even pointed out elements I had missed in my passing familiarity with the title (never owned it). Character limits prevent commentary on the subway element of the review but I found that insightful as well.

  • AyashiNoCeres729 says:

    Thank you for addressing the Japanese “subway groping” phenomenon in addition to the Bayonetta poster. Interesting and important correlation & really shows how much thought and research you put into your topics. Keep up the great work.

  • feministfrequency says:

    @YianKutHexy Right the solution is not simple and quick therefore protecting women in the interim is crucial.

  • YianKutHexy says:

    @feministfrequency One also needs to keep in mind the somewhat misogynist culture of Japan, ofcourse the problem is a big(ger) one there. I personally think the western world has done some serious improvements over the generations, and more is to come no doubt.

  • YianKutHexy says:

    @YianKutHexy Sorry if that was a bit convoluted and incomprehensive, YouTubes word-limit is stressing the crap out of me.

  • YianKutHexy says:

    @feministfrequency I never claimed to have a solution, because I don’t believe there is an imidiate remedy to sexism (not saying that there isn’t one, just that it’s not something we can rid ourselves with within a few decades). We can’t do much more than to educate the masses, because the problem lies within individuals and the media. You can’t force a temporary solution like seperating the troublemakers from the victims and expect to get constructive results.

  • feministfrequency says:

    @YianKutHexy So what is your constructive forward thinking solution to protect women from harassment?

  • YianKutHexy says:

    @feministfrequency Maybe so, but seperating them from eachother doesn’t seem like a constructive, forward thinking solution to me.

  • feministfrequency says:

    @YianKutHexy Women and men can’t live in harmony when women are constantly under the threat of harassment and violence.

  • YianKutHexy says:

    @feministfrequency I’m sorry, but wouldn’t making special women only carts kind of hurt the feminist cause, which is, you know, equality and the two sexes living together in harmony and so on?

  • imakooh says:

    As a male gamer, I can see where you’re coming from with the whole Bayonetta situation. I for one, fine the over-sexualization quite tasteless, the game itself was average, entertaining at best. Forgive me if i don’t quite understand where you’re coming from with the video, Were you just using Bayonetta’s advertisement scheme as an example of the boundries people have crossed when portraying women, or was it a implication of gaming having an effect on people?

    Thank you for your time 🙂

  • feministfrequency says:

    @MrFalderal I absolutely believe in creating a safe space for women and if that has to be through women only cars then I support it.

  • MrFalderal says:

    Again, excellent points. However, did I get that right that you are for voluntary segregation on trains? I hope not because that would mean just accepting the misogyny. What signal would this send to women? “Meh, men are men, you know, put up with it! If you don’t wanna be harrassed you can still wear, uh, a large black sack or, um, use your own train cars!” Honestly: Should we really give in to the perverts and force women to segregate themselves?

  • MachetesAreFun says:

    Randomly got linked from another site. Saw some comments about the name Bayonetta and the bayonette weapon. Just wanted to point out that “Bayonetta” was also apparently the name of the original “younger women” tribe in the 12th season of the show Survivor. Didn’t read into that any deeper. Also that giant vacuum boss thing looks awesome. Never played this game but that boss looks awesome. I agree about the excessive sexual stuff being stupid but target demographics are what they are…

  • yellowmud75 says:

    I dont think the bayonette (or bayoneta as we said in spanish) has no or little importance in a weapon, I think when I used the bayoneta in a sand bag, it was really scary, so I think Its a really serious weapon and it makes the fight more personal and a discusting experience for a soldier to use this weapon.

  • majingojira says:

    Interesting–it’s hard to argue against he objectification of the train adds. For the game itself, the only argument that didn’t click my misogyny sensors (which, admittedly, are poor) is the Gamer Overthinker, which saw Bayonetta not as sexualized–but as sexually intimidating. The area of debate is how much of it is voyuerism and how much it is an at-command performance (if it can be called that).

  • ChikenMuffinz says:

    GOOD ARGUMENT! 😀 (but she’s not a single mom. 😛 I’d be spoiling stuff if I go into depth.) I never thought of it like that. I’m a girl, and sure, I was a bit offended but it’s just a video game, right? And also to the80’skickasswhateverwhaccamacalit: I know a whole group of girls who play video games! To tell you the truth, we (the group) enjoy storylined games rather then puzzles and stuff. Shooting stuff up for no reason? Naw, not too into that.

  • Vihrea says:

    Also the plain fact that she is called Bayonetta, a bayonette is an accessory to the gun itself. If the gun is a representation of the entertainment value and draw of the game, then the title character is ironically of little worth or importance. I’m probably just reiterating what has already been said but it’s crazy what passes for entertainment and how we so willingly buy into it.

  • feministfrequency says:

    @evilhippo5 I’ve approved all your comments, maybe it didn’t post for some reason.

  • evilhippo5 says:

    @feministfrequency I made that comparison prefaced “If you make it half the train”. I understand that this is practice in certain Indian cities, where there is compulsory segregation of sexes of trains.

    On the other hand, if you make it a minority optional provision of 1-2 cars, you firstly imply women are a minority of those mobile, and, as a later comment that was not approved said, you make the other carriages more male-dominated, likely worsening conditions for the remainder of women.

  • feministfrequency says:

    @evilhippo5 I think the difference between comparing the women only trains to the segregated south is that the current trains are optional. Providing women the option for a safer space is not rooted in a prejudice where segregation in the south was just out right racism.

  • evilhippo5 says:

    – The provision tends to be 1-2 cars of a 10+ car train; this very much implies that women should be a minority of those who are mobile.

    – If you make it half the train, you have the same segregation as of another oppressed group on trains in Southern States up until the 1950s or so.

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