into a powerful source of information. Imagine walking on a tight rope with a balancing pole. Your rope is about 30 feet in the air. If you look back or down, you might get dizzy. However, your balancing pole is what keeps you level as long as you look straight ahead and focus on meeting your objective at the other side. Your intuition is much like this balancing pole. It is your guide to keeping you in-tune with your intent and your focus. And when you’re walking a literal or figurative tight rope in life, you can’t turn back or look down because it takes your eye of the mark. Your ”rope” is your support system or lifeline, and part of your strategic vision to accomplishing your goals. You can reflect on past experiences and use them as a challenge to overcoming obstacles; but you should never retreat or look down upon yourself, as you will certainly become unbalanced.
How far along are you on your tight rope of life? Are you using your balancing pole (intuition) and are you grounded on your rope (strategic vision)? These are key to creating the success you desire, and gives you the ability to corner the market for wealth and prosperity.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Expert
PS –Discover how to transform your lifestyle and create positive changes through the Manifestation Method – a life-changing tool that can help you in your quest. To learn more, visit me, Joan Marie at
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