Ions of Breath
We have been given many useful tools to aid us in healing, awakening, and embracing our transition to a new way of being. The Universe has blessed us with many incredible teachers and messengers, poets and dancers, leaders and masters to serve our highest good as we remember our true purpose on this planet.
Yet, one of the biggest and most important tools and allies is our own Breath.
Deep Breathwork has always been a powerful tool for letting go and inner transformation. Its power, simplicity and humble availability have been attracting millions of people to learn about it and from it for ions.
Breath has been a common tie between different religions, spiritual practices, eastern and western psychology, biology, and other disciplines for many ages. All of these pillars of thought, to one extent or another, emphasize the Breath as our connection to God, Source, or The Power Within.
Early Greek Christians spoke of pneuma which is breath and more than that – the soul, that which is divine. Jewish people called it ruah which meant breath of life or spirit. The English word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus which means breath but also soul. In Egypt breath was called ka which was seen as the conscience or guide of each individual, urging kindness, quietude, honor and compassion.
Taoism refers to the Breath as part of the creation of Heaven and Earth. Yin, the ‘dark side’, is the breath that formed the earth. Yang, the ‘light side’ is the breath that formed the heavens. Cherokee Medicine believes that breath and saliva contain the powers of the life-force. In Chinese medicine, the term for life, energy, breath or spirit is chi (Japanese ki) which
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