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Iron Maiden – Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, USA, 05 Aug. 2000. Intro: Remix of the song “Arthur’s Farewell” by Jerry Goldsmith from the OST of the movie “The First Knight” (1995). [Lyrics Intro] Adorate me, Adorate me, Adorate me, Adorate, Adoraate[x3] Dominus deus, Dominus noster, Dominus mortus est Hoc regnum meum est, Hoc regnum meum est Deus in caelo, Deus in caelooooo Translation: Adore Me, Adore Me, Adore Me, Adore (God), Adore (God)[x3] The Lord (is) God, Our Lord, Lord (Arthur) is Dead This is my Kingdom, This is my Kingdom God in Heaven, God in Heaven [Lyrics The Wicker Man (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)] Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you He knocks you to your feet and so what are you gonna do Your tongue has frozen now you’ve got something to say The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you his way You watch the world exploding every single night Dancing in the sun a newborn in the light Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death Hello to eternity and live for every breath Your time will come, your time will come Your time will come, your time will come The ferryman wants his money you ain’t going to give it back He can push his own boat as you set up off the track Nothing you can contemplate will ever be the same Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame You watch the world exploding every single night Dancing in the sun a newborn in the light Brothers and their fathers joining hands and make a chain The shadow
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Truth about New Years day. It loooks innocent enough, but lets go into the history of New Years Day. Celebrating New Year was a Pagan custom associated with ancient Sun-Worship that was observed well over 2000yrs before the birth of Yahushuah (Jesus). These new year festivities in Babylon eventually found their way to Greece, and from there they migrated to Rome where the celebration was called Saturnalia. The holiday was observed as a time of reveliing, drinking bouts, & orgies. Finally, these drunken celebrations led to human sacrifice. Sun worshipping the reason for the change of the New Year from Spring to the dead of winter. The Romans went through several versions of calenders in which they inevitably changed the first day of the year to January first. Caesar also adopted Jan. 1st as the 1st day of the year. The Julian calendar became the basis for our current calendar. New Year’s Symbols Celebrating the New Year is grounded in Paganism, Ungodly Behavior, & idol worship. The morden celebration of the New Year’s Day carries on ancient traditions. The holiday itself is celebrated from New Year’s Eve (old yr) continued on through the New Year’s Day. JANUS THE GOD OF BEGINNINGS & ENDINGS Certain Roman traditions of the New Year have remained to this day. Among the man Roman gods was Janus. In Roman mythology, Janus (or Ianus) was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings & endings. Numa, 2nd king of Rome, in his regulation of the Roman calendar called the 1st

39 Responses to Iron Maiden – 01.Intro / The Wicker Man (New York 2000)

  • londoner852010 says:

    Christianity has huge amounts of paganism in it.
    For instance “the house of God” is often used
    A believer in Christ is the house of God and the Holy Spirit.
    Secondly go to church…how can you go to that which you are.
    Roman Temples which were dedicated to other gods or demonic influence on the earth before the time of Christ when all were “Slaves to sin”…became used as “churchs”
    Read a book called pagan Christianity…Jesus didnt die for Christianity he died for Man…All men.

  • georgeamarcelo says:

    Nice video, except for the bit in the end about Paul, who did not encourage lawlessness, as implied by your video.

  • 12tribeslost says:

    Ahayah Bahasham Yashayah

  • girlphriend says:

    say it with me “DIE – ON- ISIS” or “iseese”

  • happyJenny12345 says:

    Thank you for your time and information. It was a good lesson.

  • ivy9857 says:

    i thank God for you my sister for the work you are doing exposing these perverted pagan counterfeits of Yahweh’s true ways, “Holidays”

  • HeavenlyInspired says:

    I agree with DivinelyGifted 🙂 lo siento amo yo was logged in your nombre

  • DivinelyGifted says:

    thank you for your informing videos
    You have been used to inform others
    keep shining your light
    be blessed in the fathers name Yahuwah and his son Yahushua

  • Wrldleader1 says:

    Interesting videos.

  • girlphriend says:

    you cant have life without death. you cant have light without dark. if you call these things EVIL then you are saying gods creation is Evil. we are the (mirror) image of God looking at and experiencing itself as an individual and COLLECTIVE. Is your mirror image evil because its your “anti” you?

  • girlphriend says:

    A spell is no worse than a prayer. You light candles and burn insense at mass. And Adam and Eve were naked in the garden of Eden. If god wanted us clothed he’d have made us that way. Pagan just means rustic or country dweller. its not evil. the church made it evil. scary ghosts in the woods, the city(church) keeps you safe. Christians have mock cannabalism (symbology, of course, but dont point at other symbols as odd til you examine your own)The church turned every other CULTures god into evil

  • Beatlemania2008 says:

    Demonic is a word created by the crackpot Christians who had stolen symbols from our religion and acted like dickheads and still act like that towards us.

  • Beatlemania2008 says:

    We are saner than your messed up religion no we do not dance naked around a fire thats bullshit some covens perform magick naked that is known as skyclad we are not demonic demons are of the imagination of your moronic beliefs.

  • matrox999 says:

    ok so what your saying is that for me yo be a good christian which i like to think im doing my bes tat it, i have to not worship christmas because it too is rooted in paganism you can look it up, regardless of my intent of love fellowship and celebration of the birth of jesus. also your sayin that i cant celebrate easter believe it or not the original easter was rooted in paganism that i cant worship christs resurection. maybe your just a jehovah witness . which in any case im wasting my time.

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