Question by : Is a spell to increase someone’s sexual desire for you against wiccan ethics?
I understand how a love spell could be against the “harm none” rule, but I don’t see how a sexual desire spell could cause any damage.
Best answer:
Answer by Rivky
Not unless the other person WANTS their sexual desire to increase for you.
Otherwise you are infringing upon their free will choice.
What do you think? Answer below!
Assuming such a thing worked, what if it resulted in an unplanned pregnancy or the transmission of an STD?
I would say yes, because you’re making another person want to be intimate with you and they may not have wanted that. That’s kind of like rape.
Personally, I believe that any spell that is intended to manipulate someone else’s emotions, attitude, etc. is against the ethics of wicca. This may very easily be the case as in today’s world where love and lust are so closely connected and so easily confused. Your attempt to make someone lust after you could cause just as much damage as an attempted spell to make them love you.
well to be honest all the wiccans i have met over 13 arnt into the whole magic spells… some of them are more superstitious though… but none of them believe they can cast magic spells… they are more into connecting with nature…
Any spell which manipulates another’s free will is unethical and foolish.
A spell cast on yourself to make you sexier is one thing. A spell cast to make you more desirably to a individual is another, and is loaded with dangers.
wiccans have strong belief in free will. and they go against any spells that influence someone 2 do something or bend their will. so yes i believe that a sexual desire spell is wrong in that sence and would go against wiccan beliefs
That’s the equivalent of magick steroids. imagine your sex drive forced into hyperdrive. everytime a guy touches you, you go splat. every sex toy you see, you want it in you, every porno you watch turns you into the sexual dr. hyde. would you want that placed upon you?
There are no spells
Any time you are manipulating someone to do something against their natural will it is against Wiccan ethics.
Put it this way– would you slip them a date rape drug and then have sex with them? Same thing.
Even healing someone against their will or without their permission would be against my tradition’s ethics.
The only exception would be a spell to stop someone from doing harm to himself or others when all other attempts have failed.
Directing ANY magic against someone who has not given permission is considered highly offensive in many magical groups.
BTW, we do not have a “harm none” rule. The Rede is “And it harm none, do what you will.” That is NOT “harm none.”
First of all, the Rede states, “An it harm none, do what ye will,” not “harm none”. The two are completely different. The actual Rede gives permission for all non-harmful acts, but says nothing about those that do cause harm. It implies that we should measure all of our actions by a standard of harmlessness, but after we judge our actions, we alone are left to decide which is the right course of action. There are acts that cause necessary harm and those which cause unnecessary harm, and morally, a person should avoid causing unnecessary harm. Things like eating and protecting oneself are necceessary acts of harm and are not prohibited. I love the Lycian Wiccan Rede since it adds an extra line that clarifies this issue, “An it harm some, do what ye must.”
Second, I do not believe that spells to manipulate someone else’s will even work based on the way magic works. Magic is the manipulation of energy by a person’s will. Witches intentionally manipulate this energy, but non-witches do it all the time without knowing it. If a witch were to attempt a spell that would conflict with the free will of another, the other person’s simple lack of desire to comply with the spell would negate it because his or her will NOT to do whatever the witch wants him or her to do would act as a “counterspell” so to speak. A witch cannot control another person through magic.
As for magic concerning increasing someone’s sexual desire, I see nothing with using an aphrodesiac in the bedroom, but that’s not exactly the same as what I think you want. If all you want to do is sexually stimulate your sex partner, get an aphrodesiac or learn turns on your partner. Don’t forget that even mundane actions can be magical if done with intention.
Venus Bless
Those kinds of spells ARE against the “harm none” rule… You’re using it for your own personal gain… Of course you’re gonna have negitive… consequences
If youre casting a spell to increase someones sexual desire in general, no problem. But youre messing with their free will by increasing their sexual desire for YOU. if they do not want to desire you, if they dont choose to, then youre causing harm to them.