Question by thecoolllama: Is a ‘vision quest’ out of the question?
Long ago such practices like the ‘vision quest’ were common in many cultures spanning the whole world. For those deep questions about life and its stressors once could find peace and achieve ascension. But in today’s society is such a thing really possible? If not, then were in the 21st century can such answers be found?
Best answer:
Answer by nichidancer
It happens in my culture, but to give out too much information isn’t allowed.
What do you think? Answer below!
Yes a vision quest is possible many Native American tribes still use this practice.
Yes, Vision Quests are possible. I live in Southern California and I’ve known people who have ties with the local Native American cultures who have gone out on vision quests. Learn as much as you can before you choose to take it on. The typical obese, soda sucking, super sized burger chomping, SUV driving American may not survive the experience if not properly educated on how to survive in the wilderness. Even the Chi Latte sipping, Yoga practicing, New Age sophisticate may find it challenging.