error. For example Quasars and galaxies with red shifts are thought to show that the universe is expanding and thus there has been an explosion. Have you ever seen the results of an explosion? To achieve the universe, as we know it from a Big Bang explosion, is like an explosion in a house resulting in neatly piled bricks, glass and mortar with the rest of the contents neatly organised and catalogued.
Stars of a certain mass will explode and produce a “supernova”. The problem with greater mass than this above a threshold level (and the mass of the universe is definitely above that level) is that we know it will become a black hole which will definitely not explode. So, the Big Bang Theory has a problem right at the start of the universe – no “Bang”!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the disorder or “entropy” of the universe increases with time. This means that space, time and matter have not always existed but came into being when entropy was zero. As we have already said, the universe had a beginning. It also means that for an explosion to result in ordered galaxies and solar systems it would have to go against this fundamental law of physics.The Second Law of Thermodynamics also shows that the universe can only have existed for a finite time. Otherwise, the universe would by now have degenerated into a state of complete disorder, in which everything would be at the same temperature.
Galaxies collide, which goes against the theory of an expanding universe. Our own galaxy is on a collision course with our nearest neighbour, the Andromeda galaxy. Even though it is the same age as the Milky Way, Hubble observations reveal that the stars in Andromeda’s halo are much younger than those in the
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