time gave the Laws of Physics.
Red shifts of galaxies and quasars.
At the centre of our spiral galaxy a lot of energy is being generated with occasional vivid flares. Based on the immense gravity that would be required to explain the movement of stars and the energy expelled, the astronomers conclude that at the centre of our galaxy is a super massive black hole.
In the 1960s objects were observed which emitted radio waves and were thought to be stars. They had very unusual spectra. It was eventually realized that the spectra were so unusual because the lines were Red shifted by a very large amount, corresponding to velocities away from us that were significant fractions of the speed of light.
The reason that it took some time to come to this conclusion is because these objects were thought to be relatively nearby stars, no one had any reason to believe they should be receding from us at such velocities.
The current model of a quasar has a super-massive spinning Black Hole at the centre. This spinning action produces a “swirl of space” pulling gas streams in a spiral motion towards the hole. These gas streams collide as a result of the enormous gravitational energy and create intense heat. This is what gives a quasar its high luminosity. They can emit as much energy as an entire galaxy. Current research would suggest that the implosion of a massive star, in the order of 100 million times the mass of the sun, could form a massive black hole sufficient to power a Quasar.
Quasars are thought to be among the most distant objects, which can be observed. They are thought to be
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