very distant because of their huge red shifts. As the red shift of Quasars is thought to mean speed and then this equates to distance. In any explosion the dispersed components move with different speeds. At any given time point the fastest components will be furthest away from the explosion centre. Thus, it is thought that Quasar red shifts are evidence for the Big Bang Explosion. But gravity also causes a red shift. A super massive black hole has “super massive” gravity and will most certainly produce a “super massive” red shift. So quasars are not travelling as fast as their red shifts suggest and they may not be as distant as was thought. As said earlier, they were first thought to be near, maybe they are.
As we have said, there is a super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. If other galaxies have black holes at the centre then surely each black hole will be contributing significantly to that galaxy’s red shift. Adding this to the fact that there are also galaxies coming towards us casts doubt on the Big Bang theory. For example there are a hundred galaxies, including Andromeda, which are coming towards us (with blue shifts).
Suppose that the blue shift galaxies have a black hole at the centre, which is causing a red shift – and this is very probable. This means that the blue shift galaxies true blue shift due to motion is larger than observed and they are coming towards us faster than has been thought. Also, if the red shifts of galaxies and quasars are due significantly to the black hole gravitation then the universe is probably not expanding. Of course, all of this is highly hypothetical but is does cast doubts on the Big Bang. I’m not an astrophysicist, but to me there seem to be some flaws in
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