but this is not guaranteed.
Buddhists believe in the Buddha, believed to have achieved enlightenment from thousands of re-incarnations.
They do not believe that this world is created and ruled by a God or god.
Essential beliefs:
1.The Buddha is our only Master.
2.We take refuge in the Buddha, the teaching of Buddha (the Dhamma) and the ordained Buddhist monks or nuns (the Sangha).
Sikh basic beliefs are summed up in the words of the Mool Mantra, the first hymn written by Guru Nanak:
There is only one God. Truth is his name. He is the Creator. He is without Fear. He is without hate. He is timeless and without form. He is beyond death, the Enlightened One. He can be known by the grace of the Guru (God, the Great Teacher.).
It is believed that God created everything, so all life is good, but attachment to material things leads to reincarnation and the sufferings of birth and death. The goal of Sikhism is to end the cycle of rebirth and be united with God.
Mormons believe in the Book of Mormon, which is said to have been given by Jesus Christ to their founder, Joseph Smith. They believe in a lost tribe of Israel, which settled in America.
Mormons believe that Joseph Smith is the prophet through whom the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to earth, in these the last days, the dispensation of the fullness of times, declared and predicted by prophets in earlier dispensations.
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