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is just the right size and the right distance away to cause a total eclipse. There is the boiling point and freezing point of water. Water is densest at 4 deg C. If this were not the case, fish would freeze. The earth’s situation and atmospheric conditions allow water to exist as gas, liquid and solid..


Do you know that the earth is just the right distance from the sun? (Approximately 91 to 94.5 million miles,) Closer would be too hot, further away and we would freeze to death.


In atoms, if either the strong nuclear force or the weak nuclear force were slightly different in value, life would not exist.

Quote: “The strong nuclear force determines the degree to which protons and neutrons (some components of atoms) stick together.

– If the strong nuclear force was slightly greater (0.3% stronger) life would be impossible because all protons and neutrons would bind     together. There would be only heavy elements in the universe.

– If the strong nuclear force was slightly weaker (2%) life would be

impossible because protons and neutrons would not stick together.

Only one element, hydrogen would exist in the universe.” Copyright 1994 by Return to God, P.O. Box 159, Carnation, WA 98014.


So, if the ratio of the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force varied slightly in the wrong direction then only hydrogen or heavy elements would be formed. So, no carbon, no life. Or, no sun! I’d call that evidence for design. At least there is a high probability! There is also purpose – to sustain life on earth and provide an environment for us to know our Creator.


By all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out —

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