the question of where life came from.
Each cell is a highly efficient factory, not a simple blob of protoplasm as believed in Darwin’s day. The instructions on how to create, run, and repair living cells takes an enormous 12 billion bits of information (approximately). Information like this can never arise from a natural process. It is always the result of intelligence.
Bubbles formed entirely out of protein-like molecules, called microspheres, will form spontaneously under the right conditions. But they are not a likely precursor to the modern cell membrane, as cell membranes are composed primarily of lipid compounds rather than amino-acid compounds
Even if the right chemicals under the right conditions will “spontaneously” produce life that would not mean it happened that way. But as we have seen, no-one has been able to generate life in a test tube even with our vast knowledge of chemistry. The evolution of life from natural occurring elements is impossible and improbable. Not only that, even using readymade basic components no one has yet synthesized a “prototype cell” which would have the necessary properties of life.
The Theory of Evolution
Definition: A theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations and mutations that increase the organism’s ability to compete, survive and reproduce. In theory this is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. Implicit in the theory is
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