that fossils are very rare, we find that they are quite abundant. There are a hundred million fossils, all catalogued and identified, in museums around the world. All fossils are found in sedimentary rock i.e. rocks formed from a slurry in water. Conditions conducive to the formation of fossils include quick burial in moist sediment or other material to prevent soft parts being eaten by scavengers, prevent weathering and exclude oxygen and bacteria, preventing decay. In other words something like a worldwide, cataclysmic flood is needed to make fossils in the numbers found in the fossil record. We find sea creatures at the bottom strata, logically, with land animals in the higher strata.
Rather than over millions of years, it is now known that fossil formation can occur quickly under the right circumstances. It has been found that fossils formed within 50 years at a river delta.
In Siberia some 50 woolly mammoths and a long-horned rhinoceros were found preserved in ice with even the skin and flesh intact. We are expected to believe they lived 10,000 to 1.6 million years ago (the Pleistocene period). Would they have remained preserved for this length of time? Maybe not. What is even more important is that something different from today’s conditions occurred, contradicting Uniformitarianism. A large amount of water has overwhelmed the mammoths and frozen rapidly. Mammoths preserved in ice is evidence of a flood, as is coal at the North Pole (suggesting a temperate climate worldwide which has been changed by the loss of a water vapour canopy). Evolution fails to explain these things.
There are nearly 300 surviving Flood
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