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Legends passed down by ancient civilizations. Some suggest Noah’s Flood.



The fossil record

Evolution assumes that there is only one way that the fossil record can have formed. That in itself is not scientific because there is at least one other possibility. It assumes that strata have been laid down by geological time period with the oldest rocks lowest down.


The formation of rock strata over tens or hundreds of millions of years all sounds quite rational until you look at what we should expect if evolution really has happened. If evolution is the cause of life on earth, then there ought to be large numbers of partly evolved fossil life forms. For the huge gap between cold-blooded reptiles and warm-blooded mammals there ought to be hundreds, maybe thousands of link fossils if evolution is true. Millions of years of gradual evolution should show in numerous transitional fossils.


The opposite is found! When fossils are examined they form records of existing and extinct organisms with clearly defined gaps.


From Cambrian to Pleistocene, new species appear abruptly in large numbers with no transitional forms leading up to them. It was thought that some fossil horses showed evidence for evolution. This has since been shown to be an error. They were not a different species anyway. Many animals in the “fossil record” are alive today in much the same form as their fossils. So they are not a part of evolution! The rest have died out but death does not prove evolution and an abundance of “living fossils” certainly does not.


As we have said. highly complex creatures suddenly appear in the “Cambrian” rocks. The palaeontologists call this immense

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