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So the fossil record disproves uniformitarianism. As mentioned earlier, one theory is that a canopy of water was around the earth giving uniform conditions. This may explain the occurrence of coal at the North Pole.


In conclusion, evolution as a theory it is just bad science and according to The Scientific Method does not qualify as a “scientific theory” at all. Evolution doesn’t fit the fossil evidence. Therefore fails, even as a hypothesis.


The answer to the evidence of fossil fuel and the fossil record is that a great Flood, the one described in Genesis Chapter 7 suddenly covered the earth with water. When it did, sediments were laid down in successive strata, covering animal and plant life. Under great pressure, these sediments turned into sedimentary rock. The result is fossils, found only in the sedimentary rock strata.


When the Flood overwhelmed the world, the first to be covered were sea creatures, then freshwater creatures, then the smaller slower moving animals, then larger, faster-moving animals, and so it went on. It is not unexpected that fish were buried before amphibians and amphibians before reptiles and reptiles before mammals. Examining these strata today we find that the lowest strata tend to have the slowest-moving creatures; above them are faster ones.


Some thoughts.

The concept of natural selection translates into survival of the fittest and extinction of the unfit. In opposition to this we actually see food chains and food webs in balance and equilibrium. Survival of the fittest is morally reprehensible if applied to people. Adolf Hitler and the Japanese applied it with horrendous

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